Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
149 2 BOARD O F TRUSTEES [May 26 C O N T I N U A T I O N O F DIVISION O F SPECIAL SERVICES FOR WAR VETERANS (7) On January 26, 1944, the Board of Trustees authorized the establishment of a Division of Special Services for War Veterans, its purpose and function being to study the needs of the returning veteran; to inform him of all the various services of the University, and to advise him in matters of educational aim and adjustment; to help him to find among existing curricula the one which will best satisfy his purpose, and to assist in making such adjustments therein as may be desired by the student and accepted by the college or department in question; and to administer the educational programs of those veterans whose special needs are not satisfied by existing curricula. The action of the Board followed a recommendation of the University Senate which included a plan for the organization and administration of the Division. The plan specifies that the services of the Division shall be restricted to men and women who come from the armed services and that it shall endure only until the needs of veterans have been satisfied. At the time the Division was established, this obviously referred to veterans of World War II. There are now coming to the University veterans who have served in Korea and whose needs for services offered by the Division are no less than have been the needs of veterans of World War II. Hence I recommend that the Board authorize the continuation of the Division of Special Services for War Veterans until further notice. On motion of Mr. Grange, authority was given as recommended. LISTENER'S A N D VISITOR'S FEE (8) Persons not connected with the University may attend classes as listeners or visitors with the approval of the instructor and the dean of the college concerned in each case and upon payment of a fee of $7.50 for each course. If the visitor withdraws within ten days after the beginning of instruction, the fee is refunded, and one-half of the fee is refunded after ten days but before the middle of the semester. The Committee on Fees and Scholarships recommends the following addition to regulations governing refunds of fees: The Listener's or Visitor's Fee will be refunded in full provided the student makes personal request for a refund at the Office of Admissions and Records within the first ten days of the instruction in any semester, or the first five days of instruction in any eight-week summer session. Thereafter no rebate will be made. I concur. On motion of Mr. Herrick, this recommendation was approved. CHANGES IN ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION BUDGET (9) The Board of Directors.of the Athletic Association has made assignments of funds from the unappropriated surplus of the Association as follows: To supplement existing budgetary provisions which are inadequate for the current fiscal year: Administration $1 500 Football Operation 1 000 Equipment 2 000 Basketball 2 500 Training 5 000 Publicity 2 500 Personnel 2 000 New appropriations: Travel expenses of baseball team on spring tour 1 550 Spring High School Football Coaches' Clinic 1 250 Equipment (eight-passenger automobile to replace station wagon) 2 194 These appropriations are submitted to the Board of Trustees for confirmation. On motion of Mr. Nickell, the action of the Board of Directors of the Athletic Association was confirmed.