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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I952] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I473 c. $10,337 for continuation of a study of the cause of gastric cancer, in the Department of Clinical Science, under the supervision of Dr. A. C. Ivy, for one year beginning April I, 1951 (C-317—C4). d. $7ii8s for continuation of a study to ascertain dyes which stain gastric mucosa when taken orally, in the Department of Clinical Science, under the supervision of Dr. A. C. Ivy, for two years beginning June 12, 1950 (C-737—C2 and C3). e. $23,191 for a continuation of a study on the effects of betatron electron beam on bone and cartilage, in the Department of Radiology, for the period July 1, 1951, to December 31, 1952 (C-854—C2). f. $4,158 for a study of intrinsic tissue susceptibility of mice to carcinogenic stimuli resulting in development of pulmonary, ovarian and adrenal tumors, under the supervision of Dr. Arthur Kirschbaum, Department of Anatomy, for one year beginning July 1, 1951 (C-1542). g. $8,961 for research on ( a ) induction of leukemia and other neoplasms in mice and (b) experimental therapy of leukemia in mice, under the supervision of Dr. Arthur Kirschbaum, in the Department of Anatomy, for one year beginning July 1, 19SI (C-1543). h. $24483.55 for renewal of the undergraduate training grant in cancer, under the supervision of Dr. D. P . Slaughter of the Department of Surgery, for one year beginning April 1, 1951 (CT-630—C3). i. $5,000 for continuation of the undergraduate cancer training program, under the supervision of Dr. Isaac Schour, of the Department of Histology (CT-663—C3). j . $8,000 for a study of the electrolyte change in protein anabolism during rapid rehabilitation from inanition, in the Department of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Robert M. Kark, for one year beginning September, 1951 (G-3274). k. $4,428 for continuation of a study on attempts to produce right and left ventricular failure in dogs, in the Rush Department of Pathology, under the supervision of Dr. George M. Hass, for one year beginning September 16, 1951 (H-432-C2). 1- $7,371 for continuation of a study of experimental arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis in young and old rabbits, in the Rush Department of Pathology, under the supervision of Dr. George M. Hass (H-452—C2). m. $15,641 for a study of endothelial permeability in ascites and edema as modified by therapy, in the Department of Medicine, under the direction of Dr. Robert M. Kark, for one year beginning September 16, 1951 (H-1029). n. $4,946 for a study of glomerulonephritis in inbred mice, in the Department of Anatomy, under the supervision of Dr. Arthur Kirschbaum, for one year beginning November 1, 1951 (H-1062). o. $12,030 for basic studies on cerebral palsy, in the Department of Psychiatry, under the supervision of Dr. W . S. McCulloch, for one year beginning September, 1951 ( B - i p o ) . p. $7,110 for renewal of a grant in the Department of Surgery, under the supervision of Dr. Cornelius W. Vermeulen, for one year beginning July 1, 1951 (RG-2183—C). q. $17,162.60 for renewal of a grant in the Department of Psychiatry, under the supervision of Dr. David Shakow, for one year beginning July I, 1951 (2M-5083—C-4). Total, Funds from Private Industries, Foundations, Other Organisations, and Government Agencies for Research and Graduate Study $354,267.16 B. Funds Received from Individuals 108. Anonymous: a. T o the Anonymous Gift Fund, Clinical Science, $110. b. For the improvement of teaching methods in Anatomy, $100. c. For Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation gifts, $25. d. For Occupational Therapy, $10. 109. Mrs. K. Becker, $22.85 to the Orthopaedic Gift Fund for Children. n o . Berkelhamer Family, $100 for the annual Dr. Ralph C. Berkelhamer Scholarship award. (This scholarship was started in 1946.)
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