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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i95 2 ] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1439 Any decision which is not appealed by the employee or his authorized representative within five work days shall be considered settled and binding on the employee and the University. Failure of the supervisor to answer the grievance within five work days after that appeal is presented to him shall be considered a decision in favor of the employee. 3. If the decision of the supervisor under paragraph 2 is not satisfactory to the employee, the grievance, together with the written record of the case, shall be referred by the employee or his authorized representative to the Director of Nonacademic Personnel for decision. Before reaching a decision, the Director of Nonacademic Personnel shall discuss the grievance with the employee or his authorized representative and the administrative head involved. 4. If the decision of the Director of Nonacademic Personnel is not accepted by the employee, the case, on request of the employee, shall be referred to a board of arbitration. The board of arbitration shall be composed of two representatives appointed by the University, two appointed by the employee or his authorized representative, and a fifth chosen by those four. A decision approved by any three of the board of arbitration shall be accepted by the employee and the University Board of Trustees as a final settlement of the grievance. 5. Gases of suspension or cases arising under section III-4-G may be appealed by or on behalf of an employee in accordance with paragraphs 1 to 3 of the foregoing procedure. The Director of Nonacademic Personnel is authorized to make final decision in such cases. 6. Time spent by an employee or his representative, if the representative is a University employee, or both, in settling grievances shall be paid for in accordance with the provisions of section II-2. If an organized group is involved, it is understood that the term "representative" may include a steward or grievance committee or both from the employee group concerned, but from that group only, in so far as payment for time is concerned. In no case, however, shall any employee leave his post or duty without the knowledge of and permission from his foreman or immediate supervisor, which permission shall normally be given, subject to necessary emergency exceptions. 7. The procedure relating to discharge shall be handled in accordance with the civil service law which entitles the employee on his
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