Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i3°6 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [November 23 Amount to be Paid to the University $6 500 0 0 1 000 00 720 0 0 1 000 00 26 0 0 0 0 0 9 614 0 0 7 500 0 0 Contract Changes With Whom Illinois Coal Strippers Association Borden Company Hiram Walker & Sons, Inc. Commercial Solvents Corp. Institute of Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers U. S. Navy U. S. Army Purpose Study of strip-mined areas Study of stability of poultry fat Study of solubles in swine nutrition Study of solubles in swine nutrition Study of steam and water heating N-6ori-7i VICOI M-2393 Date October 16, 1951 October 10, 1951 October 9. 1951 September 28, 1951 September 17, 1951 July 1. 1951 June 22, 1951 Leases Executed With Whom Willis Appleby Purpose Crop-share lease for Hackett farms Amount'to be Paid to the University Rates per contract Amount to be Paid by the University S 135 co (quarterly) Date October i. 1951 With Whom Mary H. Seten Purpose Rental space in Harrisburg for Illinois Division of Services for Crippled Children Date July 1, 1951 Adjustments Made in Authorisations Issued Under Cost-Plus Standing Contracts (Minor Adjustments on Work Started before July 1) With Whom E. N. DeAtley Purpose Changes in administrative offices 708 South Mathews Avenue remodeling 1005 West Nevada Street remodeling Sub-total Green Street apartments Changes in administrative offices Sub-total Amount 569 61 1 249 62 421 45 (101 46) 164 801 278 021 1 (442 82) Date September 26, [951 September 18, 1951 October 3, 1951 October 25, 1951 September 27, 1951 Reliable Plumbing & Heating Co. Adjustments Made in Authorisations Issued Under Cost-Plus Standing Contracts (Minor Adjustments on Work Started after July 1) With Whom Anderson Electric Co. Clyde E. Gates Purpose Coffee House remodeling Sub-total Architecture Building drafting rooms Coffee House remodeling Sub-total Coffee House remodeling Sub-total Amount $1 053 29 (1 053 29) 4 300 49 2 721 82 (7 I " 31) 675 00 (67s 00) Date September 26, 1951 September 26, 1951 September 26, 1951 September 26, 1951 Reliable Plumbing & Heating Co. This report was received for record. QUARTERLY REPORT O F T H E COMPTROLLER (17) The Comptroller presents his quarterly report to the Board as of September 30, I95I- This report was received for record and a copy has been filed with the Secretary of the Board. APPOINTMENTS TO T H E STAFF O F T H E UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS-COOK COUNTY SCHOOL O F NURSING (18) The Vice-President in Charge of the Chicago Professional Colleges recommends the following reappointments and five new appointments to the staff of the University of Illinois-Cook County School of Nursing for the academic year 1 Deduct.