Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
53° BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 28 by the State from which no property tax revenues are derived by the school districts serving such children. SENATE BILL 373. "An Act to amend Section 4 of 'An Act to regulate the practice of public accounting and to repeal certain Acts therein named.' " (Approved by the Governor). Provides that public accountants applying for a certificate of Certified Public Accountant by special examination must have held certificates as public accountants and have had five years of experience in the State instead of ten years as heretofore required. REAPPROPRIATION OF UNEXPENDED BALANCES AT J U N E 3 0 , 1 9 4 9 (Reappropriated for sixty days) URBANA-CHAMPAIGN DEPARTMENTS Radiocarbon Laboratory special equipment Modernization of Home Economics food laboratory Horticulture Administration station special equipment Soil and water conservation laboratory Agronomy station special equipment Dairy Science station special equipment Food Technology station special equipment Forestry station special equipment Horticulture station Horticulture station special equipment Physical Education for Men special equipment Abbott Power Plant painting Armory acoustics Electrical distribution — North campus Engineering services for fire protection Improvements to buildings Remodeling 1209 West Illinois Street Sanitary plant improvements Sanitary sewer improvements Service building annex Sidewalks Student housing construction survey Total $ 5 720 5 257 280 126 5 °o° 7 825 7 618 990 1 595 845 8 646 300 9 000 95° 4 734 25 000 5 °oo 22 500 25 000 1 268 9 500 I 350 8 500 $157 004