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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

i6 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 25 i. T h e r e will be cases involving genuine need for such services from a scholar or fellow owing to the fact, especially pressing in some fields, that there will be a real difficulty in obtaining such teaching assistants as will be required in carrying on the teaching program. 2. In the case of "scientific and specialized personnel" for "critical occupations" the scholars and fellows will frequently be just those students whom it is most desirable to keep in training for specialized work in connection with the national emergency. T h e fact that they would be rendering services as graduate assistants will increase the likelihood that they will be deferred from military training and thus be available for the specialized service which we should wish them to render. T h a t the second reason offered is particularly relevant is shown by the following paragraph, quoted from the end of page 2 of an official release of the Selective Service System, dated June 18, 1942, and carrying the signature of Lewis B, Hershey: "A graduate or postgraduate student who is undertaking further studies for these scientific and specialized fields, following the completion of the normal four academic years, may be considered for occupational classification if, in addition to pursuing the additional studies, he is also acting as 'graduate assistant' in a recognized college or university or is engaged in scientific research related to the war effort and which is supervised by a recognized Federal agency. A graduate assistant is a student in postgraduate studies who, in addition, is engaged in the teaching and instruction of undergraduate students in these scientific and specialized fields." It is believed that the action recommended is in accordance with the spirit and intent of this quoted paragraph, and that it will put certain ones of the scholars and fellows in the position of conforming to the letter of this paragraph, whereas without such action they would not so conform. It is realized that the proposal from the Executive Faculty involves two important elements of policy: one relating primarily to the activities of scholars and fellows in the Graduate School, and the other relating to their possible induction into the armed services of the country. The proposed action seems to be the most desirable one for mediating to some extent between two ideas that are somewhat contradictory in their implications. It will also be of genuine value in meeting important needs for teaching assistance during this period of emergency. On motion of Mr. Cleary, the action of the President of the University in authorizing this policy was approved and confirmed. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS RESEARCH PROGRAMS CARRIED ON AT OTHER INSTITUTIONS (6) Occasionally members of the faculty and graduate scholars and fellows find it necessary to carry on a part of their research work away from the University at other institutions or in governmental departments where they have access to needed source materials not available or readily accessible at the University of Illinois, or where there are more complete facilities for a particular project than those at this institution. Recently the University Research Board has made an allocation of $800 from University funds to a member of the faculty who will be on sabbatical leave of absence during the academic year 1942-1943 to enable him to carry on a program of research at another university. It is proposed to use $750 of this grant for the salary of a half-time research assistant who will be employed for ten months from September I, 1942, and the remaining $50 would be used for materials and incidental expenses. A member of the University of Illinois staff has been recommended for appointment to this assistantship. T h e matter is being brought to the attention of the Board of Trustees for approval of the general. policy of permitting grants to be expended on programs which can be carried on in whole or in part off campus to better advantage than at the University of Illinois. I recommend approval of such a policy. On motion of Mr. Karraker, this policy was approved.
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