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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1942] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IO3 QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER (11) T h e quarterly report of the Comptroller to the Board of Trustees as at June 30, 1942. O n r e q u e s t of t h e P r e s i d e n t , t h e C o m p t r o l l e r p r e s e n t e d t h i s r e p o r t , which w a s received for record. A t this point, M r . A d a m s took his place with the B o a r d . PATENT ON IMPROVEMENT IN COLD CATHODE RECTIFIER (12) The Secretary of the Board reports that he has received from Brown, Jackson, Boettcher, & Dienner original United States Letters Patent No. 2,293,468, dated August 18, 1942, issued to the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois as assignee of Charles T. Knipp, covering an improvement in the Cold Cathode Rectifier. This report was received for record. ADJUSTMENTS IN BUDGET FOR 1 9 4 2 - 1 9 4 3 (13) In approving the budget for 1942-1943, the Board of Trustees authorized the President of the University to make such changes and adjustments as are necessary. Pursuant to this authorization, the following adjustments were made in the operating budget during the first fiscal quarter ending September 30, 1942: Permanent additions to current budget: Business Office, salaries, change in salary of C. A. Webber $ 200 Registrar's Office, salaries, change in salary of Dorothy B. Wines 40 Personnel Bureau, salaries, change in salary of W. M. Gilbert 500* Physical Education for Men, salaries: Change in salary of R. O. Duncan 3001 Additional funds to provide for the appointment of Donald L. Kienlen and John Strell, J r 2001 Library School, salaries, additional funds to provide for the appointment of Guy R. Lyle 4001 Geology and Geography, salaries, changes in salaries of A. D. Cutshall and A. W. Booth 1 0501 Retiring Allowances, to provide for the retirement of H . L. Wingfield, R. G. Morris, and Jesse Myers 2 2341 Temporary addition to current budget: Special appropriation to Department of Bacteriology to cover expense of conducting tests for the Health Service 500 O n m o t i o n of M r . K a r r a k e r , t h e s e a d j u s t m e n t s w e r e a p p r o v e d a n d the necessary appropriations w e r e made, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. A d a m s , Mr. Davis, Mr. Fornof, M r s . Grigsby, Mr. Jensen, Mr. K a r r a k e r , M r . Livingston, D r . M e y e r ; no, n o n e ; absent, M r . Cleary, Mr. Green, Mr. Wieland. COST OF SURVEY BY AMERICAN C O U N C I L ON EDUCATION (14) T h e American Council on Education has reported that the cost, of its survey of the University of Illinois will exceed the original estimate by perhaps as much as $2,000. T h e difference is due to (1) more meetings of the survey commission than were originally contemplated, and (2) more extended services on the part of its full-time secretary. Present expenditures are approximately $3,500; two more commission meetings are in prospect, and there will ^ h e s e appointments were reported to the Board of Trustees August 29, 1942, but no appropriation was made for the changes in salary. 'These retirements were authorized by the Board of Trustees June 20, 1042, but no appropriation w.ls made for the retiring allowances.
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