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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1960 [PAGE 1823]

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BOARD OF T R U S T E E S Ezekiel, D. H., degree, 317 Ezer, Rochelle F., degree, 521 Fabbri, L. J., Jr., degree, 1198 Faber, L. P., appointment, 33, 960 Faber Laboratories of Chicago, purchase, 463 Fabian, G. R., degree, 1193 Fabris, R. H., degree, 1188 Fabro, A. E., degree, 532 Factory Standards Laboratory, Inc., purchase, Faculty Honors Council, established, 276 Fagan, T. C , degree, 1372 Fagel, A. J., degree, 530 Fagelson, D. L., appointment, 954 certificate, 1163 Fago, C. E., appointment, 279 Fago, Doris D., degree, 1349 Fahnestock, M. K., appointment, 684, 702, 1490, 1509 leave of absence, 1256 Fahnstrom, Judith A., degree, 1349 Fahrenbach, D. M., appointment, 25, 951 Fahrnkopf, Mary K., appointment, 816, 1629 Failon, K. A., degree, 1360 Failures in railroad rails, study, contract, change, 394, n 76 Fairbanks, G., appointment, 727, 1534 Fairchild, O. L., appointment, 886, 1701 Fairchild Semiconductor Corp., purchase, Fairgrieves, R. L., degree, 516, 1339 fellowship, 425 Fakhoury, C. Muriel, appointment, 933. '749 Falconer, G. A., degree, 1051 Faler, Elizabeth L., appointment, 895, 1712 Faletti, Audrey M., degree, 514 Faley, D. T., degree, 1007 Falk, A. B., appointment, 19, 94s Falk, Doris E., appointment, 878, 1693 Falk, W. D., appointment, 40 Falkenstrom, J. F., degree, 510 Fallen, J. R., certificate, 293 Faller, Dorothy A., degree, 1354 Fallon, Lynda E., appointment, 874 Falloon, E. L., appointment, 25, 951 Falls, F. H., appointment, 770, 1580 Falls, H. C , appointment, 1057 resignation, n 60 Fallucco, Marguerite, degree, 331 Falstad, W. J., certificate, 78 Falzer, J. D., degree, 1351 Family finance workshop, budget, summer session^ 376 funds, gift, 243, 1109 Family housing, architectural services, contract, addition^ 1172 construction, policy, 1291 temporary, budget, 755> 888, 1565, 1703 Family savings, study, gift, 249, 1115 Fan, C , appointment, 122 Fan, T. J. J., degree, 1358 Fan, Jean, appointment, 1246 Fan, N. S. C., degree, 1003 Fan, Mrs. Ning S. C , appointment, 1083 F & M Scientific Corp., purchase, 580 Fang, F. F., appointment, 170, 196, 681 declination, 176 degree, 500 resignation, 1065 Fangrat, Loretta, appointment, 925, 1741 Fannin, R. D., degree, 1013 Fannin, Shirley L., appointment, 914, 173° Fanning, E. M., degree, 325 Fansteel Metallurgical Corp., purchase, 120° Fanta, G. F., degree, 1334 Fara, H., appointment, 1057 degree, 510 Farag, S., appointment, 8oy, 1254, 1010 Farago, P. J., appointment, 21, 948 Farahmand, S. S., appointment, 958 Farber, B., appointment, 669, 726, 1475* J533 Farber, H, N., degree, 540

1101 gift, 1114 1102

Evert, Leda R., appointment, 887 Evitts, Mary S., appointment, 789, 1600 resignation, 1403 Evoy, D. R., degree, 521 Ewalt, Nancy A., appointment, 1655 Ewalt, R. H., appointment, 1632 Ewart, J. P., degree, 1360 Ewing, B. B., appointment, 374, 544, 674, Ewing, Mrs. Spencer, gift, 253 Ewing, T. N., appointment, 621, 724, 1425, 1531 Ex, J. J., certificate, 293 Examination books, Office Supply Stores, purchase, 1102 Excel Manufacturing Corp., purchase, 1288 Exceptional children, education of, fellowship, gift, 24s, 1106, 1111 Excitation energy in solutions, study, contract, change, 412 Executive Committee, Chicago Park District, negotiations for acquisition of Garfield Park land, 1232 election, 340, 1212 housing construction program, bond issue, sale, 148 contracts, award, 148 meeting, 1044 Men's Residence Halls additions, construction contracts, award, 570 loan agreement with Housing and Home Finance Agency, approval, 570 revenue bonds, sale, 570 Executive Dean's Office, Chicago Undergraduate Division, budget, i6i2,_ 1748 Executive development program, building project, funds, gift, 1120 Commerce, revolving account, 657, 1462 Executive session, 55, 135, 193, 282, 369, 401, 584, 981, 1069, 1134. 1153, 1208, 1231, 1377 „ Exercycle Corp., contract, 93 change, 1078 gift, 1115 riding, effects, study, contract, 93 change, 1078 Exhaust hoods, University High School, appropriation, 1315 Exhibit, Chicago Undergraduate Division, contract, 1078 Exhibition material, Architecture, gift, 253 Exline, G. L., degree, 1365 Extension, University, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 83, 964 budget, 733- 874, 1540, 1689 dean, appointment, 1313 gift, scholarships, Allstate Foundation, 1105 Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, assistant director, appointment, 1072 budget, 625, 827, 1429. 1639 consumer education project, development and production, professional services, 580 gift, funds, WCIA, Midwest Television, Inc., 244 market program, development and production, professional services, 154 office space in Chicago, lease, 1170 purchase, automobiles, 264 covers, 973 station wagons, 264 trucks, 264 Extramural Classes, budget, 735, 875. '542, 1690 revolving account, 735, 1543 Exum, Dolores A., appointment, 1577 Eyerly, J. B., appointment, 19, 946 Eyler, D. N., certificate, 78 Eyman, D. P., fellowship, 1398 Eynon, R. B-, degree, 109 Eyre, W. A., degree, 1350 Eyzaguirre, J., fellowship, 1299 Eyzendooren, J., appointment, 1713

1240, 1480