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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 66l Compton, R. K.f appointments, 8o, 314 Contracts, cont'd. degree. 638 All Steel Equipment Company, 376 Comptroller, access to Treasurer's safe deAmerican Railway Association, 187 posit boxesj 545 American Seating Company, 192 approval required for withdrawal of funds, American Society of Heating and Venti513 lating Engineers, 187, 221 audit report of Athletic Association, 426 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bursar's petty cash fund, 567, 601 26 Class of 1907 funds, 494 American Society for Testing Materials, election, 182, 540 5i6 house on Gourdier farm, 568 Andrews, A. H., Company, 192 income from automobile show, 424 Armour and Co., 46 Kinley fellowship securities, 412 Armstrong Cork and Insulation Company, member of Senate, 418 205 member of special committee to sell securiArt Metal Construction Company, 229 ties, 546 Associated Military Stores, 3 National Research Council funds, 504 Association of Manufacturers of Chilled reports, contracts and purchase orders, 69, Car Wheels, 187, 373, 577 qg, J20, 130, 143, 161, 190, 2IO, 221, Babcock and Wilcox Co., 30, 55 372. 388, 440, 462, 495, 504, 555, 57« Bachman Co., 412 Dental Building bonds, 424, 487 Banta Publishing Company, 494, 555 quarterly, 35, 100, 154* 222, 388, 463, Barto, H. T., 174. 518, 580 Bausch-Lomb Optical Company, 153 securities, purchase, 503 Bureau of Public Roads, U.S.D.A., 151, sale, 568, 596 190 services requested by Illinois Society of Carbondale Machinery Company, 205 C.P.A., 556 Carr, R. F., 32 signatures of President and Secretary of Carson-Payson Company, 66 Board, 182, 540 Chicago Bridge and Iron Works, 32, 69 Stadium Fund, 592 Chicago Towel Company, 08, 120 trust deed on Pope mortgage loan, 487 Chilean Nitrate of Soda Co., 37 Conard, V., appointments, 110, 196 Clay Products Association, extended, 188 degree, 448 Concrete Masonry Association, 143* *6i Conat, M. L., appointment, 551 Consumers Company of Chicago, 595 Concklin, L. F., degree, 629 Crop Protection Institute, 26, 138, 423, 462 Concrete, light aggregate, investigation, 74. Custodis Chimney Construction Co., 210 323 David Lupton's Sons Company, 57, 64 purchase, 161 Davis Construction Company, 56, 275, 445* Concrete arches, investigation, 151, 190 498 continuation, 504 Davis & Kreeger, 413 expendable gift funds, 323, 330 Derrough, H., 29, 97, 131 gifts, 153, 596, 611 Eastern Offset, Inc., 206 Concrete bridge buildings, investigation, 151 Electric Coal Company, 190 Concrete columns, reinforced, investigation, English Brothers, 413 469 Erskine-Danforth Co., 275 completed, 516 Fairview Park Cemetery Association, lease, expendable gift fund, 323 143 gift, 74 ... Fiatt Metal Manufacturing Company, 376 Concrete Masonry Association, agreements, Field and Shorb Company, 152 r43» 161 . . . First Union Trust and Savings Bank, 536, Concrete masonry walls, investigation, 161 578 expendable gift fund, 323 Fisher Company, 412 Conder, E., appointment, 452 Foley, T. A., Lumber Company, 206 Condit, M. L., degree, 614 Frame, C. L., Dental Supply Company, Condo, F. E«, degree, 246 lease, 99 Conklin,R.C.W.,degree,ofcertificate, ,526 Condon, E.R.service, Willard^ A.639452 98 461 Conley, S,192A.,Jr., certificate,634 CorporaConlee,C,K. L.,Ltd., band472 5878 Conibear,C..A., L.degree,614448 548C contract, Conner, R. J., degrees,242 Connell, Mrs.N.,degree,626 Conn, T.166C ,scholarship,instruments, Connors, J. Company Engineering Connor, H. Acousticalappointment, 188, Conrad, F. O., degree, 7256, Conover. MJ. H., C.P.A. 266 Conover, G. E., appointment, Consumerssg< A., appointment, Contracts,J.J., C., Consulting262?., degree, 256 degree, G., coal, K.t degree,614 tion, A., S., E., M., A., 249 247 Chicago, 252 471 Graybar Canning H.,Company,66, 205ManuGeneralH.OrganR.,Company,373,9710054 555reGrasselliPrintingand Home,69131, 14350526, Gibson Terminal100,Company,189 515, 5*6 HolabirdHardware555 extended, 497 lease Hertzberg, H.190,Co., Craftsmen,189 161 97, Hatfield BellA.,Root, andMeat143* *6i» EduJessamineH. 70,Board 414Corporation, Illinois Electric Inc., forRadiator Holder Electric lease205 69Vocational Hinners StateTelephoneextended, 100 Heinicke,J.P., 6970and25,Company, Hanson, Union,lease 190,Co.,Packers, Institute ChemicalSupply Hunzinger,Withers Hughes-Krabbe, Co., 26, Holmes, 143F., Company, lease, Irvin, of J. 220 Company, newed, Boiler 127, andAmerican facturers, 462 cation, N., Company, 462,
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