UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 664]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932
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1 Converse, P. D., appointments, 317, 550 Contracts, cont'd. Convocations, budget, 294 ohnson Brothers, 66, 497 ohnson, C , Electric Company, additions, Cook, M. C , degree, 630 Cook, M . G., degree, 242 278 Cook, M . M.f degree, 450 Kawneer, Company, 64 Cook, R. K., appointments, 170, 196, 326, Kent and Company, 222 550 Kewaunee Manufacturing Company, 137* degrees, 166, 528 177, 189. 278, 414 Cook, R. M., degree, 633 Keystone Construction Company, 32 Cook, T. D., degree, 640 Kimball, W . W-» Company, 177, 189 Cook County Experiment Station, budget, exKing & Petry, 09, 488 pense, 331 Lehigh Stone Company, 488 salary, 340 Library Bureau, 229 Cooke, F. W., degree, 266 Linderman, L., 31 Cooke, V. E., degree, 95 Lyon Metal Products, Inc., 211, 27$, 376 Cooley, B. H., degree, 261 Marshall Field & Co., 275 Cooley, J. A;, appointment, 313 Mason, D., 402 Coombs, A. J., appointment, 385 Meyer, F., and Bro. Co., 54 Coombes, J- L., degree, 619 Middle States Electric Company, 277 Cooper, A. R., appointment, 355 Midwest Hardware Company, 133 Mississippi Valley Structural Steel Com- Cooper, D. H., degree, 247 Cooper, E. S., degree, 242 pany, 108 Cooper, F. A., degree, 628 Montgomery Elevator Company, 65, 555 Cooper, F. S-, appointments, 404, 550 Moore, E. A., lease, 99 commission, 259 Moser Paper Company, 153 degree, 251 Murray, A. W., Company, 205 National Lumber Manufacturers* Associa- Cooper, J. P., degree, 95 Cooper, T. J., degree, 472 tion, 99 National W a r m Air Heating Association, Cooperative house, Springfield Avenue, report, 493 220, 503 Cooperative investigations, see Agreements Newgard, H., and Company, 121 North Shore Coke & Chemical Company, Cooperative Mines Investigation, budget, salary, 330 220, 373 O'Neil, W . E., Construction Company, ad- Cooperative research, status of projects, 515 Cooperman, S., degree, 640 ditions, 193 Cooperstock, M., appointment, 80 Otis Elevator Co., 47, 190, 555 Coote, F. T., appointment, 385 Peoples Gas, Light, and Coke Company, Copeland, W . J., certificate, 639 143 Copley, M. J., appointments, 167, 307, 547 Portland Cement Association, 143, 161 Public Welfare, State Department of, 562 Copper deposits, investigation, 596 Rail Manufacturers' Technical Committee, Corbett, C. E., degree, 623 Corbin, E. B., appointment, 326 187 Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, Corbin, G. H., degree, 247 Corby, M. J., degree, 626 I52» 4^4, 441 Cord. A. R., C.P.A. certificate, 526 Rickctts, C. L., Scriptorium of, 515, 57S Corey, C. S-, degree, 260 Rounds-Truman Company, 504, 515 fellowships, 213, 586 Ruhm Phosphate and Chemical Company, Corey, D-, degree, 256 151, 190 Corn, animal husbandry, purchase, 222, 439 Schaar and Company, 153 sweet, investigation, fund, 332 Scholl, P., lease, 70, 504 Cornbleet, T., appointment, 356 Scientific Tablet Co., lease, 99 degree, 163 Scriptorium of C. L. Ricketts, 51^, 578 Sectional Committee on Cast Iron Pipe, 98 Cornelius, R. P., degree, 473 Corney, G. W., degree, 531 Seiler, O. E., 595 Cornwell, E. I.j degree, 626 Somers & Company, 54, 172, 189, 222 Corpe, D.,.R.,Cdegree,flues, budget, 294 Contratto,S..O.M.tManufacturing3732, 3, 69, Vogt.Panv>PhosphateCommission,151, 190 Utilities WLens Company,Company,19032 232 Corso,Wsalary,P.,degree,626473261 204 515 Trimmer-Nydele 190190,32, 174,Company, ThomsonMilitaryCompany,484, 515 191,Corn- Corrigan,ofF.,G.degree,5314703,additional, 460 Super-Power A., lease,99,Company, SpencerLumberH. Manufacturing 97 Webster C.. Co.,Inc.,47, 30 Warwick,J., H., G.,Company, Warren, Research and 206, 222 Walrus 120 commission, 20628, Urbana 249S.,G., Company, 189 United Laboratories, Manufacturing UnionBrothersW\,Stores,219,205 Stoolman,230L., 9947,145, 189 StandardManufacturing17270 495 Company, Cosey,WL.,M.H.fdegree,commission, 642345 White, Fuel 187, Western A. Company, 139 Welch, Manufacturing Co., degree, Brands, Company, Whiting 152, er, i5i» WA. Dental Whittenberg, Wilson, ^ase, 66, 98, 206, 259 Cott, E.C.degree,appointments, 123, Cossum,MW.R. A.,Jr., 251 614 249 188,141 Corson,E-,B.,,E.,C.P.A.294621 419? 43i Corrosion,Legal,appointment, 306177, 452 Council, 636S., degree, 266 Couch, C. S., Jr., Cottrell, H.Administration, Cottingham, R.,heaterdegree, Cothern, J- appointment, 296 Corzine, F.gasR.,degree,258 94 Cory, ..statutesA.,252 certificate, Costigan, C H., appropriation, Costa, Corydon, K. expense, Counsel, Council degree, University, E.,concerning, budget, 29sdegree, , appointments, appropriation, degree, degree, degree,