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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

586 BOARD OF TRUSTEES COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS A N D PURCHASE ORDERS [May 9 (ao) T h e following report from the Comptroller of contracts and purchase orders executed since the last report w a s m a d e : CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE COMPTROLLER APRIL 4, ipjo, TO M A Y 5, 1930 Contracts executed on special authorization of the Board of Trustees at meeting of April 9, 1930, recorded in minutes on page 561: Amount to be Regular instruction in College of Law received by the to be rendered to Mr. Paul Sugar Name University Date Item for one year from February 1, 1930 Illinois State Board for Regular Fees March 27, 1930 March 27, 1930 Illinois State Board for Regular Fees Regular instruction in College of AgVocational Education Vocational Education riculture to be rendered to Mr. Donald M . Brown for one and oneContract executed on special authorization of the Board ofyears from February 1, 1930 half Trustees in meeting; of M a r c h 11, 1930, recorded in minutes on page 546: Amount to be charged to patients Name Date Item Riggs Optical Company in Dispensary Prices as listed March 27, 1930 Optical service at the Research and Lease executed o n special authorization of the Board Educational Hospitalmeeting of of Trustees in in contract M a r c h n f 1930, recorded in minutes on page 542: Rental to be received by the Leased to Property University Date Tenure Illinois Bell Telephone 92 pairs of University £24.8 40 per March 11, One year from Company underground cables annum 1930 Jan. 1, 1930 Leases executed under special authorization of the Board of Trustees in meeting of February 5, 1930, a n d recorded in minutes on page 519; Dale Tenure Rental to be Feb. 8, Second semester 1930 1929-30 received by the Leased to Property University Lease executed under general regulations: $60 00 per C. M . Brown Dwelling at 1105 VV. NeRental to be vada St., Urbana month paid by the Property Tenure Lease from (Noyes House) University Dale 1/25 of an acre of land Sept. 1, 1919, to Louis Buenger near Granite City, 111. $$ 00 per annum April 19, Sept. 1, 1932 P U R C H A S E ORDERS ISSUED IN APRIL 1930 A M O U N T I N G TO $1000 OR M O R E Appropriation Made in Budget Procedure Vno edr Amount Department Coal For Quotation Electric Coal $1440 00 Physical Plant Company Liquid Air Com- 4085 00 Physical Plant Physical Plant Competitive1 Operation Norwalk Company, pressor Inc. 1200 00 Physical Plant Physical Plant Quotation Coal Ertension Electric Coal Physical Plant Quotation3 Monotype 2852 00 Print Shop Company Operation Caster Lanston Monotype University Press Machine Company Special Equipment
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