Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193°] U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS S«7 Chicago Pneumatic Diesel Engine Tool Company 3500 00 Mechanical #2670 on Mech. Competitive' Engineering Engr. Col. sp. equip. $830 on Mech. Engr. Col. Regular Exp. on Enc. Adj. 4037 Architectural Decor- Architectural 1900 00 Supervising Physical Plant Competitive' ating Company and Landscape Architect Extension Ornaments Eastern Offset, Inc. Soil Maps 311000 Agronomy Agronomy Soil Competitive1 Survey Reports Printing ^Approved by President Kinley. •Approved by Board of Trustees, April 9, 1930. H. M. Edwards Purchasing Agent This report was received for record. AUDIT OF UNIVERSITY ACCOUNTS (21) The report from Arthur Young & Company, accountants and auditors of Chicago, of their audit of the accounts of the University for the quarter ending March 31. l93°O n motion of M r . Armstrong, this report was referred to the Finance Committee for consideration and report. PROPERTY ADJOINING RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL HOSPITAL (22) A communication from Mr. Abraham Lidsky, attorney f r property holders o adjoining the grounds of the Research and Educational Hospital, concerning the sale of this property. O n m o t i o n of D r . N o b l e , this c o m m u n i c a t i o n w a s referred to the State D e p a r t m e n t of Public Welfare. RELEASE OF PATENT RIGHTS ON PROCESS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF ANTITOXINS (23) For some time Dr. William H. Welker, Professor of Physiological Chemistry, has been studying processes for the refining and concentration of antitoxin sera which will eliminate serum sickness reactions. The Dean of the College of Medicine reports that there has been no laboratory experimentation bearing directly upon the problem and that whatever has been done has been published in scientific journals. Doctor Welker's discovery is still in the experimental stage and its development, in order to make it available for public use, will require the services of a competent manufacturing organization. Since the discovery involves merely an idea and no laboratory experimentation, the Dean is of the opinion that equity in the patent should rest entirely with Professor Welker. Doctor Welker had proposed to take out a patent and to assign it to the University merely in order to give the University the fullest possible credit. O n m o t i o n of D r . N o b l e , this matter w a s referred to the C o m mittee o n Patents. PURCHASE OF PUMPS FOR FILTRATION PLANT (24) The Comptroller submits the following quotations secured by the Purchasing Agent for the purchase of three pumps with motors for the new Filtration Plant: 1 3000 gal. 2 1500 gal. 12' p u m p 10' pumps Allis-Chalmers Mfg. C o $1 23900 $1 537 00 F O B Milwaukee Aurora P u m p Company 1 309 00 1 685 00 F O B Aurora, 111. Fairbanks Morse Company appropriation 279the purchaseplant.price indicated.Mich. 1 of 00 F O B Three cost The be charged to the Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company forMilwaukee at the 80 will Supervising Architect recommends afiltration 1 928 equipment from h e I recommend approval. of this Rivers, T the