Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1930] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 585 the expenses of this investigation and there is at present a balance of $937.50 on hand. The Company does not intend to make any further payments. 2. Agreement with the National Brick Manufacturers' Association for an investigation of the Drying of Clay Wares. This original agreement was entered into in November, 1925, and was for a period of one year. It was renewed in March, 1927, for one year. The Association has paid in a total of $5,475.00 since the investigation was started and has recently sent in an additional check for $100 to complete the work of the investigation. I recommend that these agreements be extended, and that the investigations be permitted to continue for such time as there are funds available, but not to exceed one year from June 1, 1930, in the first case and no longer than October 31, 193c (as recommended by the Dean), in the second case. O n motion of M r . Fisher, these recommendations were adopted. LEASE OF LAND NEAR GRANITE CITY FOR AGRICULTURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PURPOSES (17) A report that I have authorized the Comptroller and Secretary to execute a lease with Mr. Louis Buenger of Granite City for a small tract of land (approximately one twenty-fifth of an acre) for a period of three years at a rental of $5 a year for certain agricultural experiments which the Department of Agriculture is conducting in that part of the State. O n motion of M r . Armstrong, this action w a s confirmed. PURCHASE OF LABORATORY GLASSWARE (18) A request from the Comptroller for authority to purchase from E. H. Sargent and Company 134 cases of Pyrex laboratory glassware at a net total of $2561.76 for use in various laboratories of the University, particularly chemistry. The following quotations were secured by the Purchasing Agent on this glassware: E. H. Sargent and Company $2561 76 Henry Heil Chemical Company 2568 65 Schaar and Company 2565 75 Wilkens Anderson Company 2566 21 A. Daigger and Company 2564 24 Chicago Apparatus Company 2564 38 W . M . Welch Manufacturing Company 2628 14 The supply to be ordered represents a quantity on which the maximum discount can be secured and will provide for our needs for approximately four months. Provision for the purchase of this equipment has been made in the budget of the various departments concerned. I recommend approval. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , this purchase w a s authorized as recommended. PURCHASE OF COAL FOR THE CHICAGO DEPARTMENTS (19) The Purchasing Agent has secured the following quotations on coal for the College of Medicine and the School of Pharmacy (approximatelyfifteenhundred tons of Pocahontas Mine Run) for the year beginning June 1, 1930: Western Fuel Company (To August i, 1930) $6 00 N. T. (After August 1, 1930) 6 35 Crevar Clinch Coal Company 6 40 E. L. Hedstrom Coal Company 6 40 Consumers Company 6 45 Burge Bros. Coal Company 6 49 The Supervising Architect and Comptroller recommend that a contract be made with the Western Fuel Company in accordance with their quotation of $6.00 per ton up to August 1, 1930, and $6.35 per ton thereafter. Experience with this company indicatesmotion of M r . ofrcoal suppliedthis r e c o m m e n d a t i o n good service are satisfactory. the quality A m s t r o n g , and their ability to give w a s adopted. O n that I recommend approval.