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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

488 board of trustees [January 11 Residence Halls A s u m m a r y of the operations in the residence halls for the year to D e c e m b e r 31, 1929, is shown as Appendix I. T h e balance from operations in the residence halls at the end of the quarter w a s $166,885, and in the Davenport H o u s e $10,741. Stadium Fund A n Appendix is included giving the report of the Memorial Stadium Fund, of which the Board of Trustees is custodian. (See Appendix II). H. M. Edwards Acting Comptroller Schedule A S T A T E M E N T OF RESERVE A N D CONTINGENT F U N D F O R T H E Q U A R T E R E N D E D D E C E M B E R 31. 1929 Balance forward September 30, 1929 £294 085 48 Add: Lapsed 1928-29 Balances (carried forward but not used) 5 380 32 £299 465 80 Deduct: Appropriations made by Board of Trustees October 10, 1929 Committee on Selecting a President $3 500 00 Death Benefits 4 102 50 University Press Shop Changes 800 00 Physiological Chemistry Expense and Equipment (additional) 1 000 oo1 Medical Anatomy Expense and Equipment (additional).. 500 oo1 November 15, 1929 Survey of Schools of Pharmacy 100 00 Electrical Engineering Laboratory Improvements (additional) 5 000 00 Moving Departments into N e w Quarters (additional).... 2 000 00 December 4, 1929 Inspection of Student Rooming Conditions 600 00 Patents on Discoveries and Inventions (additional) 244 20 JExpense and Equipment portions of appropriation only. Salaries portions included as Salary Agronomy College (safe) 190 00 BudgetChemistry Expense and Equipment made. Adjustments as appointments are (safe) 310 00 Electrical Engineering Equipment Repairs 1 425 00 Pictures for College of Medicine . 200 00 Medical Pathology and Bacteriology Expense and Equipment (additional) 2 500 oo1 December 12, 1929 Legal Counsel Expense (additional) 150 00 Premium on Treasurer's Bond 5 000 00 Social Facilities for Students 500 00 Journalism Special Equipment (type) 425 00 Medical Physiology Expense and Equipment (additional) 300 oo1 28 S46 70 Adjustments to Salary Budget (Various Departments) 12 104 50 40 951 20 Balance December 31, 1929 (to Schedule H ) £258 514 60
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