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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193°] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Schedule B REALIZATION OF INCOME FOR OPERATIONS 1929-30 TO DECEMBER 31, 1929 Budget Estimate Realized to Date 489 Unrealized Balance (See Schedule H ) State Funds From Mill Tax $2 750 000 00 $1 08; 983 08 $1 664 016 92 From General Revenue. 2 015 000 00 1 292 020 52 722 gyg 48 Total, State (4 765 000 00) (2 378 003 60) (2 386 996 40) Federal Funds From U. S. Treasurer Smith-Lever Fund 239 624 34 119 812 17 119 812 17 •Gapper-Ketcham Fund 40 167 48 20 083 74 20 083 74 Hatch-Adams Funds 30 000 00 15 000 00 15 000 00 Purnell Fund 60 000 00 30 000 00 30 000 00 From State Treasurer Interest on Endowment Fund 32 450 66 16 225 33 16 225 33 Morrill-Nelson Funds 50 000 00 50 000 00 From State Board for Vocational Education (Smith-Hughes) 16 000 00 16 000 00 Total, Federal (468 242 48) (251 121 24) (217 121 24) •Deduct. Student Fees 860 000 00 450 624 21 409 375 79 JNo budget estimate set up. Sales 2Credited direct to revolving accounts, not carried as separate items on Balance Sheet. Credited to Departments Creamery Operating Account June 30, 1930. aTo be transferred from Agriculture. 120 680 00 66 625 92 54 054 082 SCHEDTyXE C Other DepartmentsU M M A R Y O F RECEIPTS A N D D I S B U R S E 1 E N T S 1 499 11*1** S M 499 11 Credited to Estimated Agricultural Sales O D E C E M 129 R750 00 62 811 34 1929-30 T B E 31, 1929 66 938 66 Credited to General Income 000 00 51 626 82 48 373 18 Balance 100 Receipts Credited to Estimated Income from Creamery July 1,1020 and State Balance Surplus and Adjust- 14 320 00 AppropriaDisburse- 14 320 oo3 December 3j, Total, Sales, etc (364 lions00) (18669051) (17805949) 75° ments ments 1929 McKinley Possession of University Treasurer 5 400 00 5 400 00 Funds in Endowment Grand Total $6 463 392 48 ti 973 283 $3 855 232 General Fund #737 847 43 $1 090 667 72 t266 439 5608 $196 952 9207 Trust Fund 12069083 174 747 59 H 9 733 85 17570457 Total (8;8 538 26)(i 265 415 3 O U 093 016 93H1 030 936 64) Stale Appropriations For Operation Salaries and Wages 3 Si5 000 00 1 726 721 81 1 788 278 19 Office Expense 150 000 00 72 228 84 77 77i to Travel 3 5 000 00 21384 35 1361s 6; Operation 485 000 00 243 273 30 241 726 70 Repairs 160 000 00 88 918 09 71 081 91 Equipment 290 000 00 146 337 43 H 3 6fi2 57 Improvements 130 000 00 79 139 78 50 860 22 Total, Operation (4 765 000 00) C2 378 003 60) (2 386 996 40) For Buildings 1927-29 Library Building Addition.. . 38 019 78 38 019 78 Lincoln Hall Addition 270637 12 270637 12 Materials Testing Laboratory 183 430 05 185 430 05 1920-31 Agricultural Buildings 115 000 00 20 221 37 94 778 63 Chemistry Annex 335 000 00 9 861 08 325 138 92 Medical and Dental LaboFor Special Plant Addition Sta- $1 (494 41930 ?«' 250 000 00 H (2029 614 53 $5 483 385 64 AgriculturalBuildings Woman's TotalCounty Power Purposes 1929-30 Cook 1927-29 Slate Grand Experiment tion, Gymnasium Total, ratories 353 °44 51 1 500 415 31 °86 95) (2300 coo 00) (552430 09 1 245 308 91 506 25X7 54Q 000 00) 16 591 36 27s 10 500 936434 81 4 680 02 7 41930 5 80s 09X4292 569 47 663 38X2 863 779 80 441505 19 832 281 16) 4 843 57)
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