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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HBO & Company, contract, 448 HHL Financial Services, Inc., contract, 561 HMO, CampusCare program, payment to Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago for care of Min Qin, 498 Hospital, University, stop loss insurance, purchase of, 248 not executed, 249 HMO (Chicago campus), contract, review/audit, third-party collections, 372 Haash, M. I., appointment, 137 Habenicht, D. E., member of advisory committee, 7, 301 Habschmidt, B. L., appointment, 138 Haefner, J. E., appointment, 136 Hagl litigation, settlement, 184, 223 Hann, Ralph, and Associates, Inc., contract, 93 Hall, C. N., member of advisory board, 48 Hall, J. C , appointment, 516 Hall, L. R., member of advisory committee, 300 Hall, T. N., member of Institute for the Humanities, 486 Halsted Street (Chicago), property at 1401-1409 South, recision ofauthority to condemn, 431 Hamilton, Robert C , Estate, establishment of quasiendowment for Athletics Department (Chicago), 394 Hampton, J. L.,Jr., member of advisory committee, Hance, A. S., appointment, 80 Handler, A. S., appointment, 108 Haney, M., complaint filed with Illinois Human Relations Committee against use of Chief IIliniwek, dismissed, 460 possible suit against University for use of Chief Illiniwek,163 Hangar facilities, Airport, University of Illinois— Willard, Nogle & Black Mechanical, Inc., construction and lease, 222 Hansen, R. H., member of advisory board, 264 Hansen 8c Hempel Company, contract, 31 Hanson, S. C , appointment, 487 Harassment (Urbana), University's response to complaints, interim policy and procedures, 393 Harig, J. M., appointment, 51 Harker Hall (Urbana), card-access security system, 96 contract, electrical work, increase, 96 Harnack, R. V., appointment, 78 " Harper, R. W., member of advisory committee, 7, ^01 Harris, A. C , appointment, 79 undergraduate instructional award, 518 Harrison litigation, settlement, 364, 411, 432 Harrow, M., appointment, 51 Hart, R. G., appointment, 192 Hart, S. E., appointment, 467 Hart, W. D., appointment, 370 Hart & Schroeder Mechanical Contractors, Inc., contract, 92, 144, 214, 242, 251, 424 Hartley, Miles C, Estate, establishment of quasiendowment, 14 Hartley, Miles C, Selections Garden (Urbana), contract, construction of, 21 increase, 328 established, 13 project budget increase, 328 Harvard Collection Services, Inc., contract, 560 Hasan, Z., appointment, 51 Hasegawa, Y., appointment, 80 Hass, W. J., appointment, 487 Hatfield Electric Company, contract, increase, 358 Haussmann, R. K. D., appointment, 303 presentation to Hospital Committee, transfer of programs from Illinois State Department of Mental Health, 414 Hawkins, D., member of advisory committee, 6 Hazard, P. W., appointment, 419 Hazardous waste site (Kentucky), University's share of costs for cleaning, 103 He, X., appointment, 371 Health education (Urbana), teacher education minor, discontinued, 404 597 Health Maintenance Organization, University of Illinois, See HMO (Chicago campus) Health Policy and Administration, Division of (Chicago campus), designated, 519 Health Resources Management, Division of (Chicago campus), redesignated, 519 Health Services, Vice Chancellor for (Chicago campus), appointment, 303 Health Social Work, Department of (Chicago campus), closure, 235 resources transferred to Jane Addams College of Social Work, 235 Hearne, E. G., appointment, 52 Heating work, contract, Champaign, Biaxial Shock Test Machine Building, office addition, 530 Gerty Drive Building, 241 Sixth Street steam tunnel, 472 Chicago campus, Associated Health Professions Building, 321 Clinical Sciences Building, 148 remodeling, 112 remodeling laboratories, 211 Edelstone, Sigmund E., Medical Student Center, 89 Hospital, University, surgicenter, 564 parking structure no. 1, remodel ground P floor, 62 * Science and Engineering South, 90 Student Residence and Commons, increase, 245 Urbana, Adams, Roger, Laboratory, remodeling, 250 Bioacoustics Research Laboratory, 93 bookstore and office building, 147 increase, 401 Buell, Temple Hoyne, Hall, 144 Engineering Quadrangle, utility systems and steam tunnel relocation, 216, 275 Environmental and Agricultural Sciences Building, 92 Gregory Hall, remodeling classrooms, 471 Illini Union, patio enclosure, 319 warehouse, 252 Materials Research Facilities, renovation, 567 Materials Science and Engineering Instructional Laboratories, 253 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory 11 A, remodeling, 399 Natural History Building, 242 ainting facility, 424 ublic Safety Building, 251 cost-plus contract, Urbana, 244, 566 Hecker, A. L., member of advisory committee, 301 Heckmann, I. L., undergraduate instructional award, Silver Circle, 233 Hedeker, D. R., appointment, 419 Hedeman, A. D., member of Center for Advanced Study, 417 Heffez, L. B., appointment, 341 Heller, C. E., appointment, 370 Henneman, Raufeisen and Associates, Inc., contract, 115, 179, 245, 354, 451, 473, 502, 568 Henry, A. M., appointment, 79 Henson, L. R., appointment, 554 contract negotiations, review of contract by Board of Trustees, 506,512 tribute in appreciation of services, 187 Henson Robinson Company, contract, 21 Heriza, C. B., appointment, 192 Herman, L. L., appointment, 137 Hermitage Mall (Chicago), designated Park Livingston Health Walk, 18 Herring, M. C , appointment, 233 Herschbach, D., honorary degree, 445 Higgins, B. H., elected university counsel of board, ."32,412. Higher education, governance structure in Illinois, no changes, 261 report concerning governance structure of higher education in Illinois, 165 Highland Managed Care Resources, contract, 522 Hifl, N., Jr., member of advisory committee, 7 Hill-Chance, G. L., appointment, 389 Hillman, D. S., appointment, 51 P
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