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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

594 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Faulkner, L. R., appointment, 303 Fazel, A., member of advisory committee, 7 Federal Aviation Administration, Airport, University of Illinois-Willard, Fiscal Year 1993 grant, application, amendment, 348 grant agreement, amendment, 173 improvement projects, applications for funds, security fencing, application for funds, 348 storage and maintenance building, application for funds, 348 Federal funds, Airport, University of Illinois-Willard, acquisition of snow removal equipment, amendment of Fiscal Year 1993 grant application, 348 airfield signage and computer-controlled access system, application for funds, 88 general aviation runway, application for funds, 88 land reimbursement and engineering fees, grant agreement, amendment, 173 primary runway's edge lighting system, amendment of Fiscal Year 1993 grant application, 348 security fencing, application for funds, 348 storage and maintenance building, application f6r funds, 348 . Fees, all campuses, increases for Fiscal Year 1995, report, 480 1993-94 academic year, discussion of, 164 refund policy, amended, 234 Chicago campus, Master of Business Administration, established, 196 student, Chicago campus, Fiscal Year 1994, 198 Fiscal Yeaf 1995, 492 increases, discussion of, 462 Urbana, Fiscal Year 1994, 198 Fiscal Year 1995, 492 increases, discussion of, 462 Urbana, Aviation, Institute of, flight training courses, increases, 266, 491 Executive Master of Business Administration, increase, 490 International Accounting, Program in, no increase, 490 Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, implementation, 194 referendum, 194 Policy Economics, Program in, increase, 490 student bus service, referendum, 198 student government, referendum supporting continuation, 194 Feinstein, S. B., appointment, 389 Felmley-Dickerson Company, contract, 147,, 215, 251,567 Females, presentations to Board of Trustees from State senators, 160 Feroz, M., patient at Foster McGaw Hospital, settlement of charges, 327 Ferrans, C. J., appointment, 467 Ferrara, A. A., appointment, 81 Fetes, Love & Sieben, Inc., contract, 211 Feuille, P., appointment, 514 Fidelity Investments Institutional Services Company, Inc., participant in tax-deferred retirement plan, 237 Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago), 267 Fietsam, R. C , member of Boara of Examiners in Accountancy, 416 Figueira, D. M., appointment, 467 Finance and Audit Committee, investments, report, 122, 181, 255, 359, 405, 476, 573 meeting, 462 report on University's investments, 545 members, 168, 443 Fine and Applied Arts, College of (Urbana), degrees, conferred, 72, 98, 153, 292, 360, 406, 455, 578 industrial design curriculum, revised, 307 Fire alarm systems, contract, Urbana, Housing Food Stores, 215 upgrade, housing warehouse, 276 Fire code regulations (Chicago), Chicago campus' compliance with, 162 Engineering services, cont'd Materials Research Laboratory, renovation, 179 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory IIA, remodeling, z46 Natural History Building, 114 Noyes Laboratory, remodeling, 322 WILL Communications Building, 524 contracts, Capital Development Board, projects for Fiscal Year 1993, 284 projects for Fiscal Year 1994, 428, 450 capital improvement projects, Urbana, 501 energy conservation projects, Chicago campus, recision of board action, 373 Engle, Inc., contract, 180 English, Department of (Chicago campus), consolidation with Department of Linguistics, 140 English as a Second Language (Urbana), minor, establishment, 121 English Brothers Company, contract, 32, 91, 144, 252,471 increase, 358 Environmental and Agricultural Sciences Building (Urbana), contract, remodeling, air conditioning work, 92 architectural services, 92 electrical work, 92 engineering services, 92 general work, 91 heating work, 92 piping work, 92 plumbing work, 92 refrigeration work, 92 sprinkler system, 92 temperature control work, 92 ventilation work, 92 Environmental earth sciences (Chicago campus), specialization in, established, 475 Environmental geology option (Urbana), established, 151 Erickson, T. B., appointment, 137 Escalators renovation, contract, Chicago campus, Pharmacy, College of, 283 increase, 427 Escrow agent, for Series 1993 revenue bond issue, 238 Esser, K. A., appointment, 389 Evans, C. A., appointment, 514 Evans, R., member of advisory board, 302 Evans, Dean, Company, contract, 243, 244, 565, 566 Everitt Electrical and Computer Engineering Laboratory (Urbana), contract, HVAC improvements, 451 Executive Committee, election, 165, 412 report of actions, 224, 248, 358, 433, 529 Executive session, 2, 4, 38, 41, 74, 98, 102, 126, 160, 161, 184, 226, 258, 296, 334, 364, 382, 406, 410, 440, 459, 480, 506, 510, 538, 542 special, 411 Executive sessions, review and release of minutes to public, 103, 119, 227, 248, 382, 403, 511, 527 Extramural courses, Urbana, tuition, differential rates, increases, 491 Eye and Ear Infirmary (Chicago campus), contract, housekeeping management services, 19 management services, 396 FBi Buildings, Inc., contract, 424 Fabrega, A. J-, appointment, 418 Family and Medical Leave, policy, approved, 347 Family Practice, Department of (Urbana), head, appointment, 515 Family Practice Center (West), See Associated Health Professions Building (Chicago campus) Fan controls, installation in ten buildings (Urbana), award of contracts, 434 Fanning, S., member of Institute for the Humanities, 486 Farmer, T. W., appointment, 370 Farris, W. A., member of advisory board, 487
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