Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1993] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 135 Amendment to the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees (Advance Notice of Motions and Resolutions) (2) The secretary of the board has prepared the following amendment 1 to the Bylaws of the board. The amendment will ensure advance notice to all trustees when approval of a motion, resolution, or other proposition is being sought. The amendment, as recommended, is as follows:2 Article III, Section 2. Any member of the Board may request that motions, resolutions, or other propositions be reduced to writing before being voted on (except usual, short parliamentary motions). Motions, resolutions, or other propositions involving policy matters presented by a member or members of the Board must be transmitted to the members of the Board at least 24 hours prior to a Board meeting at which approval of such proposition is sought. (The amendment will become effective with the February 1993 meeting.) On motion of Mr. Lamont, this recommendation was not approved. By consensus, the board agreed that one vote would be taken and considered the vote on each agenda item nos. 3 through 19 inclusive. The recommendations were individually discussed but acted upon at one time. (The record of board action appears at the end of each item.) Interim Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Urbana (3) The chancellor at Urbana has recommended the appointment of Theodore L. Brown, presently professor of chemistry and director of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, as interim vice chancellor for academic affairs beginning January 21, 1993, on a twelve-month service basis at an annual salary of $126,000. Dr. Brown will continue to hold the rank of professor on indefinite tenure and will continue as director of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology. He will succeed Dr. Robert M. Berdahl who resigned to accept the presidency of the University of Texas at Austin. The nomination is made after consultation with the Urbana-Champaign Senate Council and the Urbana-Champaign Campus Council of Deans. The vice president for academic affairs concurs. I recommend approval. On motion of Ms. Reese, this appointment was approved. Acting Dean, School of Social Work, Urbana (4) The chancellor at Urbana has recommended the appointment of Jill D. Ragle, presently professor of social work, as acting dean of the School of Social Work beginning February 1, 1993, on a twelve-month service basis at an annual salary of $75,668. Dr. Kagle will continue to hold the rank of professor with indefinite tenure on an academic year service basis. She will succeed Dr. Paula A. Meares who has resigned the deanship and is taking a leave without pay from her faculty position for one year. The nomination is made after consultation with the faculty and the Executive 1 To amend the Bylaws, it is necessary that such amendments be submitted in writing and furnished each member at the beginning of a regular meeting (Article VIII, Section 2). 2 New material is in italics; no material has been deleted!