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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1917] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS A U T H O R I T Y TO CONFER DEGREES 333 (7) Recommendation from the University Senate for degrees to be granted at the approaching commencement. (For list of degrees, See page 349.) On motion of Mr. Carr, the President of the University was authorized to confer degrees on the persons recommended by the proper faculties. ANNUAL MILITARY INSPECTION (8) A report of Colonel Julius A. Penn on the annual inspection of the Military Department. This report is a satisfactory one, but it indicates some points in which our service may be improved. This report was received for record. SITE FOR UNIVERSITY PRESS (9) A recommendation from the Committee on the University Press, consisting of Messrs. H. E. Cunningham, F. W. Scott, C. S. Sale, H. F. Harrington, and Lloyd Morey, that the lot facing Sixth Street situated immediately back of Dean Davenport's residence on Wright Street, and described as the north one-half of the south-ivest one quarter of Block 13. of J. S. Wright's addition to the city of Champaign, be purchased at thei price of $6,500, and that it be assigned as a site for a University Press building, to house, as may be deemed best, all or part of the courses in Journalism, the print shop, the office of the University publications, and the University Press. This lot is 84.5 feet wide on Sixth Street and 174.25 feet deep. On motion of Mr. Carr, the Comptroller was authorized to purchase this lot for the purposes recommended. The vote was as follows: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Taggart, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mr. Lowden, Mr. Trevett, Mr. Ward. PURCHASE OF T H E KERR WOODS (10) The question of purchasing the Kerr Woods, consisting of forty acres more or less and described as the south half of the northzvest quarter of the southzvest quarter and the north half of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 1, tozmship 19 north, range 9 easP of the 3rd principal meridian, has been before the Board on two or three occasions. Mr. Thomas J. Kerr offered the property to the University sometime ago at a price of $350 an acre, but expressed himself as willing to consider $25 an acre as a gift to the University, so that the net cost to the University would be $325 an acre. Authority was given to the President of the University to negotiate with Mr. Kerr for the purchase of this tract at a price not to exceed $250 an acre (Minutes, September 21, 1916, p. 98). This price Mr. Kerr refuses to consider. He is willing, however, to sell the forty acres at $300 an acre.
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