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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
202 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [January 24, TESTIMONIAL, SHORT COURSE IN PLANT PATHOLOGY (23) A testimonial presented by the students of the short course in Plant Pathology, given at the University from December 4-16, 1916, in which they express their appreciation of the value of the course, not only to the individuals attending the course but to the transportation companies which they represented, and through them to the public. This testimonial was received for record. BOILER INSURANCE (24) A statement from the Comptroller that he has renewed with the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company an insurance policy covering the steam boilers owned and operated by the University, the amount; of the policy being $35,000 and the premium, $288.62. This statement w.as received for record, INSURANCE ON M I L I T A R Y SUPPLIES (2s) A statement of insurance now carried on the military supplies. The grand total of insurance carried 611 January 13, 1917, was $20,747.04. It will be necessary, however, to extend this : insurance considerably under the new National Defense Act, bwiiig to the increased supplies to which the University is entitled. This statement was received for record. SALTPETER INVESTIGATION (26) A report from Professor H. S. Grindley that the advisory board on the saltpeter investigation met in New York on January 12 and 13, 1917, and approved for immediate publication a fourth volume of the report. Arrangements have been made by which the fifth and last volume of this report will be completed in the near future. This statement was received for record. LAND FOR AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENTATION (27) A recommendation from Dr. C. G. Hopkins, approved by the Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, that a tract of 32.58 acres of land near Elizabethtown, Hardin count}', be accepted by the University and used for the purposes of experimentation. Accompanying the records is a warranty deed from Robert A. Ledbetter, trustee, transferring the title of this land to the University so long as it uses the land for the purpose indicated. The legal description of this land is as follows: The West part of the South East One Fourth of Section Fourteen (14) Township Twelve (12) South, Range Eight (8) East, and more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows, Beginning at the South West corner of the South East Quarter of above Section, thence running North 79' East 4.00 chains, thence N o r t h 58' East, 7.70 Chains, thence N o r t h 21.00 chains, thence West .40 chains, thence North 14.70 chains, thence West
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