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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 [PAGE 865]

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EXAMINATION FOR DIPHTHERIA AND TYPHOID FEVER. (19) A joint recommendation from Dean T. A. Clark and Registrar C. M. McConn, concerning a regulation as to examinations of persons connected with the University in cases of diphtheria and typhoid fever: SUGGESTED REGULATIONS. Concerning the bacteriological examination of persons connected with the University : 1. Diphtheria: Examination for the release of persons who have been in the same house or in contact with any person infected, with diphtheria: two negative cultures in succession taken at intervals of not less than twenty-four hours. Examination for the release of persons who are convalescent or those who may harbor the diphtheria organism without showing the usual clinical signs: Three negative cultures in succession a t intervals of not less than twenty-four hours for all persons connected with the University; but persons connected with the University whose duties require them to handle food or vessels used in the cooking or serving of food should not be permitted to take up their work until at least four consecutive negative cultures taken at intervals of hot less than twenty-four hours have been obtained. 2. Typhoid Fever: Persons convalescent from typhoid fever should be released after two consecutive negative examinations of both urine and stools. These examinations should be taken a t intervals of not less than one week. Persons whose duties bring them in contact with food or the handling of vessels used in cooking or serving food should be required to submit to four consecutive examinations of this n a t u r e ; these examinations to be made a t intervals of not less than two weeks. Furthermore, these examinations should not begin until after the person has left the hospital. The suggestions regarding typhoid fever quoted above are based on the practise of the Massachusetts State Board of Health. Ledingham of the Leicester Institute of London recommends even more examinations than have been suggested. The Massachusetts State Board of Health, however, feels that the above scheme is satisfactory and is both safe and practical. Diphtheria and typhoid fever seem to be the only two diseases to which it is necessary to make any special reference. Bacteriological examination of sputum for tuberculosis and Widal tests for typhoid can be made in the laboratory satisfactorily upon request. On motion of Mr. Carr, these regulations were adopted, and the President of the University was authorized to employ some member of the staff to carry on the work of the bacteriological examinations until further notice at a stipendium of twenty-five dollars a month. The vote was as follows: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mrs. Henrotih, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Ward, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Dunne, Mr. Small, Mr. Trevett. A this point, President Abbott, being called from the room, requested Mr. Carr to take the chair. His vote on the next questions (20 and 21), was given when he returned to the meeting.

M E D I C A L E X A M I N A T I O N OF S T U D E N T S .

(20) A request from Prof. T. A. Clark, Dean of Men, that he be authorized in case he deems it necessary to send students to Dr. J. H. Beard for medical examination. On motion of Mrs. Evans, this authority was given, and the President of the University was authorized to approve vouchers for a reasonable fee to Dr. Beard for such examinations, and to assign and equip a room for the office of the examiner. The vote was as follows: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Ward, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Dunne, Mr. Small, Mr. Trevett.


(21) A request from Director J. L. Erb, of the School of Music, that a practise organ be purchased for the use of students. It is proposed to charge students who wish to use this practise organ a reasonable fee. We have found it hard to carry on our organ courses because students find difficulty in getting the use of organs, which, in a locality like Urbana-Champaign, are limited to the churches. On motion of Mrs. Henrotin, the President of the University was authorized to direct the purchase of a practise organ at a price not to exceed one thousand dollars. The vote was as follows: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Ward, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Dunne, Mr. Small, Mr. Trevett. A this point, President Abbott returned to the meeting and recorded his vote in the affirmative concerning the medical examination of students and the purchase of a practise organ. —55 U