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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

378 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Oct. 19 was one of the three members elected for a term of six years at the election in 188,8, and took his seat in accordance therewith at the March meeting in 1889, at the expiration of his second term. He was re-elected in 1894, 1900, and 1906, and completed his fifth term' of service with the March meeting in 1907. At the time of his'death he had served for seven months on his sixth term. This term of service, thirty years and six months, is longer than that of any other one who has been a member of the board. Immediately after becoming a member of the board, Mr. McLean was made chairman of the Building Committee and was thus in charge of the erection of the old Chemical Laboratory, now the Law Building. He continued at the head of this committee for ten years, and subsequently from time to time has been for several years one of its members. In 1889 he was elected President of the Board of Trustees, and succeeded himself the next year, in 1890. He was also elected president in 1899, and succeeded himself in the following year, 1900. He was chairman of the Finance Committee of the Board for the years 1893, 1894, and 1898; also from 1903 until the time of his death. The services Mr. McLean rendered, during all these years, in this growing institution, in which there were no old precedents to guide those who were at the head, revealed a patience and energy and general excellence which won the regard of all those associated with him. Too much credit cannot be given to his untiring watchfulness and care during more than a quarter of a century of the upbuilding of this University. Therefore, ~be it Resolved, That we, the members of the Board of Trustees, in behalf of the University, deeply deplore his death, and bow to the decree of fate, yet mourn the loss of the friend and associate gone from among us. Resolved, That the Board of Trustees tender their most sincere condolence to his sons upon his death, but ask to share with them in the inheritance of the memory of such a father. FRED L. HATCH, CARRIE T. ALEXANDER, CHARLES DAVISON, Committee. COAL CONTRACTS, 1907-8. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds made the following report with regard to contracts for the coal supply and hauling of the same for the year beginning September 1, 1907. The report was received for record. URBANA, IIX., October 19, 1907. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Urbana,, III.: At the board meeting of July 6th, the Buildings and Grounds Committee was instructed to contract for a supply of coal for the University for the year beginning September 1, 1907. Pursuant to these instructions, the following advertisement was inserted in "Fuel," one of the coal papers: PROPOSALS FOR COAL.' The Committee on Buildings and Grounds of the University of Illinois will receive sealed proposals until 12 o'clock, noon, August 15, 1907, for 15,000
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