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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

10 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Sept. 25 each p a r t y shall b e provided w i t h a n e q u i t a b l e n u m b e r of copies thereof t o b e d i s t r i b u t e d according t o t h e provisions of a n y s t a t u t e s b y w h i c h e i t h e r p a r t y m a y b e governed. I n Testimony Whereof, w e h a v e h e r e u n t o set o u r h a n d s t h e d a y a n d y e a r first w r i t t e n h e r e i n . C H A R L E S D. W A L C O T T , Director U. S. Geological Survey, for and on Behalf Director State Water Survey of Illinois, Second Part. Director Engineering Experiment Party of the Third Part. /State Geologist, Illinois the Fourth Part. Station of the Party of the First EDWARD BARTOW, Part. for and on Behalf of the Party of the of the L. P . B R E C K E N R I D G E , of Illinois, for and on Behalf H . F O S T E R BAIIST, State Geological Survey, for and on Behalf COLLEGE OP A G R I C U L T U R E . of the Party of 10. A communication from t h e dean of t h e College of A g r i c u l t u r e : U R B A N A , I I I . , Sept. 22, 1906. Edmund J. James, LLD., President, University of Illinois: D E A R S I R — I h a v e t w o or t h r e e m a t t e r s r e q u i r i n g action b y t h e Board of Trustees a t this time. 1. T h e following is a copy of t h e m i n u t e s of t h e Live Stock Advisory Committee a t i t s m e e t i n g on J u l y 27. M a t t e r s touched u p o n i n t h i s r e p o r t w e r e t h o r o u g h l y discussed a n d I t a k e p l e a s u r e i n f o r w a r d i n g t h e various r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s w i t h t h e r e q u e s t t h a t t h e y b e endorsed: Live Stock Advisory Committee met in Professor Mumford's office at 9:30 a. m., Dean Davenport, Professor Mumford, Mr. Kerrick, Mr. Kincaid and Mr. Fulkerson being present. Mrs. Busey and.Mrs. Alexander, who w|th Mr, Kerrick, constitute the Agricultural Committee of the Board of Trustees, were also present. Dean Davenport addressed the Agricultural Committee on the object and work of the Advisory Committee, after which the question of investigating- the cuts of meat with a view to preparing a bulletin on the subject was brought up and discussed. Moved by Mr. Fulkerson, seconded by Mr. Kincaid, that a representative of the Animal Husbandry department be sent to Chicago for the purpose of investigating the different grades of meat with a view to preparing and publishing a bulletin. Motion carried. Moved by Mr. Kerrick, seconded by Mr. Kincaid, that the department take up the study of the market grades and classes of horses and sheep and prepare and publish bulletins on each. Motion carried. Moved by Mr. Kincaid, seconded by Mr. Kerrick, that the department conduct an experiment in fattening horses for market, according to outlines submitted. Motion carried. Move'd by Mr. Fulkerson, seconded by Mr. Kincaid, that the department conduct an experiment in lamb feeding, according to outlines submitted. Motion carried. Moved by Mr. Kincaid, seconded by Mr. Fulkerson, that the breeding investigations now being conducted be extended to include a herd of Angus as outlined by the department and that a Shorthorn herd be developed along dual purpose lines. Motion carried. Moved by Mr. Fulkerson, seconded by Mr. Kincaid, that the department purchase two more Percheron mares and three more standard bred mares to cost approximately $1,700 in all. Motion carried. Moved by Mr. Kincaid, seconded by Mr. Fulkerson, that the department construct a suitable slaughtering place for handling small lots of stock for experimental work of the College and Station. Motion carried. J. R. FULKERSON, Secretary. Urbana, 111., July 27, 1906. 2. T h e following communication from Professor Blair, i t seems to me, raises a n i m p o r t a n t question: Professor E. Davenport, Dean and Director, College of Agriculture: DEAR S I R : In view of the fact that our University forestry must be fenced so as to prohibit the general public from frequenting the same, excepting posibly on special occasions when the gates may be thrown open for special reasons; in view of the fact that there has been considerable criticism from various sources because many people who love to frequent a nature-like retreat such as the forestry affords are thereby.deprived of such an enjoyment, and in view of a general demand, expressed or unexpressed, for information as to what varieties of trees or shrubs will or will not do in Illinois, I beg to recommend-that the University authorities turn over to the Department of Horticulture, temporarily, a tract of land lying immediately west of the forestry (and outside the platted lands) constituting possibly 15 or 20 acres which may be used by the Department of Horticulture for such length of time as the University may care to have the ground so occupied. This tract would be used by the Department of Horticulture for developing a park-like area which would be artistic as well as exhibit,
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