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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

'258 UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S . 1. What may be left in the state appropriations of 1893-5, July 1, 1896, to be assigned to buildings and grounds. 2. What may be left of the assigned appropriations of 1895-7, July 1st, to be re-assigned for the same purposes with the following exceptions: A r b o r e t u m sewer, p r e s e n t balance . F a r m house, Lectures, U n i v e r s i t y magazine, Gas fixtures, Entomological room, $108 19 5 32 188 74 800 00 11 77 30 73 $1,144 75 3. What may be left of these balances to be assigned for instruction. 4. That the unassigned balance on the second page of Paper B be assigned for salaries for instruction, $1,816.04. 5. That the unassigned balance of cabinets be assigned to be used, as the President may direct, for cabinets, $600.00. 6. That the unassigned balance for College of Engineering equipment be assigned for use as may be agreed upon by the faculty of that College, $1,991.96. 7. That the unassigned balance for the furnishing and fitting of Engineering Hall be assigned under similar conditions, $1,505.33. 8. That the unassigned balance for the Chemical Laboratory (water survey) be assigned for purposes named in Professor Palmer's report, $1,250.00. 9. That the appropriation for a Vaccine Laboratory be assigned for use under the direction of the President of the University and Dr. Burrill, $3,000.00. 10. That the appropriation for the library building be assigned for use under the direction of the Building and Grounds Committee, $145,320.15. From the State Appropriation due July 1, 1896. 11. That the appropriations for the Laboratory of Natural History, $9,900.00, and for the Biological Experiment Station, $1,500.00, be assigned for use under the direction of Professor Forbes, $11,400.00. 12. That for the library there be assigned for use under the direction of the Library Committee, $3,000.00. 13. That for taxes on Minnesota lands there be assigned, $1,600.00. 14. That from the appropriation for shop practice one-half be assigned, 15. That from the appropriation for apparatus and materials, the following assignments be made: For For For For For For For zoology geology chemistry (work benches) c h e m i s t r y (apparatus) m a t h e m a t i c s (models, etc.) botany fmicroscopes, $280; a p p a r a t u s , $100) laboratory applied chemistry $200 400 200 500 300 380 100 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $2,080 00
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