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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 257 Paper B—State Appropriations—Concluded. Received. Expended. Balance. Assigned- College of Engineering— Machine shop Electrical engineering and p h y s i c s . . . . . . . . . . . . Civil engineering Laboratory of applied mechanics and municipal and sanitary engineering Architecture College of E n g i n e e r i n g Unassigned $17,008 2,600 3,200 1,600 04 00 00 00 $17,008 04 2,600 00 2,702 34 321 65 105 47 686 10 193 58 $23,617 18 $1,191 77 1,882 53 $3,074 30 $1,436 13 $3,172 26 $3,172 26 1,600 00 1,500 00 500 00 1,991 96 $30,000 00 $497 66 1,278 35 1,494 53 813 90 306 42 1,991 96 $6,382 82 $497 66 1,278 35 1,494 5& 813 9a 306 42 $4,390 86 Furnishing and fitting Engineering Electric wiring Furniture Unassigned Hall— $l,19l 77 2,302 90 1,505 33 $5,000 00 $420 37 1,505 33 $1,925 70 $63 87 $577 74 1,250 00 $1,827 74 $3,000 00 $420 37 $420 37 $3 87 $577 74 $577 74 Shop practice— $1,500 00 $3,750 00 1,250 00 $5,000 00 $3,000 00 Chemical Laboratory Unassigned Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History $9,900 00 $8,888 42 $1,011 58 $1,011 58 P A P E R C—UNITED STATES FUND. Received. Expended. Balance. Assigned. Year ending June 30, 1894, $18,500 00 500 00 $19,000 00 $18,500 00 500 00 $19,000 00 Before reported on Architecture Year ending June 30, 1895, $20,000 00 $20,000 00 Year ending June 30, 1896. $21,000 00 $21,000 00 Salaries for instruction Paper D is a list of vouchers presented for audit, being Nos. 676 to 1,455. Paper E is an estimate of receipts and expenses for the year ending June 30, 1897. In making this estimate only the funds to be received in that year have been considered. Paper F is a list of the general appropriations asked for the three months ending August 31, 1896. Paper G is a statement of money received in the three months and the amount turned over to the Treasurer of the University. In addition to the appropriations asked for in Paper F, the Board is requested to make the following order: —17 U. I.
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