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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

PROCEEDINGS OF BOAED OF TRUSTEES. 229 This resolution was lost by the following vote: Yeas—Inglis, McLean, Morgan, Smith, Graham; nays—Flower, Bullard, Morrison, Armstrong, Raymond. The proceedings of the Board were interrupted for a few moments, during which Professor Breckenridge, in behalf of the mechanical engineering department, presented to Mr. Graham a beautiful chess table which had been made of India teak in the shops. On motion of Mr. Morgan, the thanks of the Board were returned to the gentlemen who had made and presented the table. On motion of Mr. McLean, it was voted that the Board, when it adjourned, should adjourn to meet at the call of the President, and that the Board should be called to meet as soon as the architects could have working plans and specifications ready to submit. Mr. Morgan, from the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, presented the bill of D. H. Burnham & Co. for $1,000 for professional services and traveling expenses, and recommended the payment of the bill. The bill was ordered paid. Mr. Morgan moved the payment of $300 to Professor Bicker for furnishing plans and supervising the construction of machinery hall; of $300 to Professor Talbot for services in supervising the laying of pavements and walks; of $125 to Professor Breckenridge for services in connection with the equipment of machinery hall, and the heating of the President's House; $300 to Professor White for supervising the construction of the President's House; and of $100 to Mr. C. A. Gunn for furnishing plans for the Observatory, and the motion prevailed. The President of the Board was authorized to endorse, in the name of the Board of Trustees, a note which had been received for the deferred payment for the Griggs farm, in order to effect a sale of said note. Sundry bills for material and work done on the ladies' parlor and the rooms of the music department, amounting in all to $108.37, were ordered paid. The Board refused to grant a petition recived from Mr, O. K. Doney, who had been a student ot the University, asking for the return of a part of his fees on account of his withdrawal from the University during the term. An informal report with regard to the proposition made to the Board at its meeting of December 10th by the Chicago College of Pharmacy was made by the committee appointed to investigate the matter. Mr. W. B. Day, Actuary of the College, was also heard On motion of Mr. McLean, Mrs. Flower and Mr. Morgan were added to the committee, and the committee was instructed to investigate further and report at the next meeting of the Board.
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