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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 227 Treasurer's 1895. January Br, Report—Continued. 3 F r o m Dale & Roise, principal on contract No. 72 3] *" Dale & Roise, interest on contract No. 72 ' Olof Mattson, interest on land contract No. 73... 3 4' 31 * Olof Mattson, interest on land contract No. 73... 3j ' ' J o s . Cuta, principal on contract No. 65.. 31 ' * J o s . Cuta, interest on contract No. 65 41Crawford county coupons due J a n . 1,1896 . 4 Gallatin eounty coupons due J a n . 1,1896 F r o m B e r t h a l Pederson, principal on contract No. 69.. B e r t h a l Pederson, interest on contract No. 69... Berthal Pederson, principal on contract No. 74.. B e r t h a l Pederson, interest on contract No. 74 U. S. T r e a s u r y , E x p e r i m e n t Station w a r r a n t , due J a n . 1, 1896 P e t e r Larson, principal on contract No. 66 P e t e r Larson, interest on contract No. 66 S. J . Hallquist, principal on contract No. 75 S. J . Hallquist, interest on contract No. 75. S. J . Hallquist, principal on contract No. 76 S. J . Hallquist, interest on contract No. 76 J . E . Blickenstaff, interest on contract No. 39 Nels Olson, on contract No. 99, Nels Olson, interest on contract No. 99 Ole Lundquist, interest on contract No. 112 W. L. Pillsbury, on account farm fund, credit H a n s Vesterud, interest on land contract No. 84 ... H a n s Vesterud, interest on land contract No. 85 H a n s Vesterud, taxes on contracts Nos. 84 and 85.. B u r n h a m , T r e v e t t & Mattis, Beatrice, Neb., redemption and interest t a x certificates Nos. 5649 and 5650 on contract Middleton . S. W. Shattuck, paid w a r r a n t s on account general 28 fund Ole Sorenson, principal on contract No. 79 February Ole Sorenson, interest on contract No. 79 Union School District No. 6, Champaign county, coupons due Feb. 1,1896 F r o m Ole Sorenson, interest on contract No. 79 Mattoon, Coles county, 111., coupons F r o m S. W. Shattuck, paid w a r r a n t s on account general fund F r o m S. W. Shattuck, paid w a r r a n t s on account general fund I n t e r e s t D e c , J a n . , and Feb. on endowment fund at 4 per cent 29 I n t e r e s t D e c , J a n . , and Feb. on all other funds at 2*2 per] cent $120 00 58 80 200 00 84 00 100 00 35 00 600 00 630 00 50 00 14 70 105 00 14 70 3,750 00 133 33 84 00 150 00 63 00 13 50 73 50 24 00 25 00 35 00 25 25 1,015 01 23 54 23 54 9 15 38 00 4,530 76 984 20 158 35 270 00 2 150 001 3,948 00 1,229 07 280 001 577 30 $23,372 45 $175,843 06 Cr. 1896. F e b r u a r y 29 By amount paid out of general fund, as per list of war$10,735 80 r a n t s attached hereto ,. 29 By amount paid out of state appropriation for salaries, etc., a s p e r list of w a r r a n t s attached hereto 36,250 05 By amount paid out of state appropriation for furnishing| and h e a t i n g N a t u r a l H i s t o r y Hall, as per list of war315 33 r a n t s attached hereto By amount paid out of state appropriation for Library, as per list of w a r r a n t s attached hereto 1,048 25 By amount paid out of state appropriation for Laboratory of N a t u r a l History, as p e r list of w a r r a n t s at-| 2,321 93 tacked hereto By amount paid out of state appropriation for cabinets, 234 23 a s p e r list of w a r r a n t s attached hereto By a m o u n t paid out of state appropriation for Engineer-! ing College, as per list of w a r r a n t s attached h e r e t o . . | 8,893 78 By amoaant j?aid out of state appropriation for Astro-i nomical Observatory, as p e r list of w a r r a n t s attached! 26 00 hereto By amount paid out of state appropriation for fitting and furnishing E n g i n e e r i n g Hall, as per list of w a r r a n t s 254 54 attached hereto j By amount paid out of state appropriation for building; and equipment of Biological E x p e r i m e n t Station, as 45 48 per list of w a r r a n t s attached h e r e t o . By a m o u n t paid out of «tate appropriation for Biologi-I eal E x p e r i m e n t Station, as per list of w a r r a n t s at452 981 tached hereto
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