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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

65 PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES—DECEMBER, 1885. The Board met at the University parlor on Tuesday, December 8, 1885, at 3:80 P. M. Present—Governor Oglesby, Trustees Bennett, Cobb, Eisenmayer, Follansbee, McLean, Millard, Paden and Pearman. Absent—Trustees Landrigan and Earle. The minutes of last meeting were approved. The reports of the Regent and Business Agent were deferred. Professor Morrow read his report from the Agricultural Department (see Bulletin A), which was received and referred to the Farm Committee. The report of Professor Burrill from the Horticultural Department was read, received and referred to Committee on Buildings and Grounds for report at this meeting (see Bulletin A). In the absence of Trustee Earle, Trustee Eisenmayer was appointed by the chair to act on Auditing Committee. * The Regent extended an invitation to the Board to a reception at his residence this evening, which was accepted. The Regent then read the following report, which was received and laid over for further consideration: To the Trustees of the University of Illinois: GENTLEMEN—The term now closing has been notable for quiet, good order and scholarly work. The new department of Mining Engineering has been organized, a course of -study arranged, and a class is at work. Professor Comstoek shows all the elements of an efficient* and successful instructor. Professor BrowTnlee, lately appointed to the chair of Ehetoric and Oratory, will enter on his duties at the beginning of the new year. No permanent arrangement has been made for filling the professorship of Veterinary Science. The instruction pertaining to this department has been given during the current term by Professor Itolfe; but this cannot continue. I have to recommend that Dr. D. Mcintosh, of Kingston, Ontario, be employed to give a course of lectures in veterinary science during the remaining terms of the current year. ' The Halfway House on the street railway has been finished in accordance with the agreements and instructions made at your meeting in July. It was then arranged that the railway company should sell to the University a lot of land lying south of the track, and that the price of the lot, with such additional money as you should set aside for the purpose, should be used in the construction of the station. An appropriation was made towards building the house, but that for the payment for the lot wTas overlooked. The company has executed for the lot a deed, which is now in my hands, and may be passed to record whenever the appropriation of 1150 is made and the vouchers passed. I ask your attention to this matter. The University has now acquired possession of all the lots lying south of the car track, and the fence has been made to include them in the arboretum. The ground was originally intended to be included in the University property, but for a time was so held that it could not be properly acquired. It has finally come into our possession at a very moderate outlay. Without desiring to recommend any large increase of the real estate of the University, which is certainly ample, I desire to call your attention to one addition which can now be 4 .cheaply made, and which I am sure will commend itself to your judgment. I refer to the Ind.—5
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