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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

29 The bills presented for payment were audited and allowed. Dr. Gregory's account of traveling expenses to Springfield, $13.15, was audited and allowed. Treasurer J. W . Bunn then read his report, which was received. TREASURER S REPORT. John 1876. W. Bunn, Treasurer, in Acc't icith Illinois DR. Industrial University. Dec. 11 To balance . 1877. interest on lllnois 6 p e r cent bonds J a n ' y 1! 44 Chicago 7 p e r cent, bonds II a m ' t rec' d on 44 c e ' t agricultural d e p a r t m e n t a F e b ' y 28 i 44 horticultural *'i 28 i 44 ' 44 mechanical * 281 44 4 28 architectural " 44 44 44 281 chemical 44 44 28! fuel and lights 44 44 28! buildings and grounds 44 44 28, library 44 44 28 i incidentals 44 44 28; fees and room r e n t s 4 44 28: • tuition 44 4t 28 Illinois Central R. R. d o n a t i o n . $13,287 32 $ 930 00 875 00 673 35 70 41 733 04 248 51 145 251 249 76 20 001 2 001 29 15 1,571 00 976 00 689 55 1,805 00 5,408 02 $20,500 34 John W. Bunn, Treasurer, in Acc't with Illinois CR. Industrial I University. F e44 ' y 28! By a m ' 4 4 paid board expense b t 44 28 44 on a c e ' t salaries 44 44 28 44 buildings and grounds 44 44 281 44 fuel and lights 44 44 28 44 stationary and printing 4 44 28 44 ' mechanical d e p a r 4 m e n t t4 44 44 28 44 architectural 44 44 44 28! 44 agricultural 44 44 281 44 horticultural '4 44 4 28: 44 ' chemical '4 44 44 military '4 44 44 44 library and a p p a r a t u s 44 44 44 incidentals 4 44 44 * preparatory department 44 44 44 fixtures and furniture 44 44 44 physical laboratory 44 44 44 engineering- d e p a r t m e n t 44 44 44 microscopes • 44 44 44 ladies' gymnasium 44 44 44 centennial expense State appropriations a m '4t4 paid on a4c c ' t buildings & grounds 44 44 4 v e t e r i n a r y dep' t . . . By balance $ 102 85 9,047 10 175 06 1,359 46! 153 291 1,087 77 908 65! 1,131 08| 63 39 67 75i 69 431 357 43 118 03] 405 00! 50 031 34 981 19 30; 46 99 33 89 24 05 19 70| 15,281 49 5,218 85 $20,500 34 Urbana, March 13, 1877. J O H N W . Binsr.sE, Treasurer. Doane House in Cham- The board then adjourned t<5 meet at the paign, at 7,30 P . M.
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