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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

30 EVENING SESSION. The board met at the Doane House by adjournment. T h e regent's report was taken from the table, and it was decided to establish a school of design, and publish a course of studies for same in next catalogue, as recommended in the report. T h e reports of the regent and of the different departments of the University, prepared for its tenth anniversary, were ordered to be printed in the next biennial report. The subject of engaging a janitor for old University building was referred to Mr. Gardner and the regent. The faculty were authorized to designate one or more high schools in each county of the state, of sufficiently high grade and good reputation, whose certificates of examinations shall be received in lieu of examinations for entering the University, in accordance with the report of the regent. The committee on by-laws for the faculty, on the sale of thermometer graduating machine, also on purchase of model of horse, were granted further time. Mr Gardner, chairman of a committee, appointed to investigate certain charges of custom house duties at New York, by Oehlrichs & Co., reported that in the opinion of the committee such charges were just and the amount due to the parties. The report was received, and the amount of $158.84 appropriated for the purpose. Mr, Cobb, chairman of the board, then announced that the annual election of officers was in order, and expressed his thanks to the members of the board for their kindness and courtesy. Mr. Blackburn moved that the thanks of the board be voted to the retiring chairman, regent and treasurer. Carried. On nomination, Hon. Emory Cobb was unanimously elected president of the board. Mr. Sabin then nominated Dr. J. M. Gregory as regent for the ensuing two years, and he was unanimously elected. Mr. J. W . Bunn was unanimously reelected treasurer, and accepted, the position stating that he should positively decline to receive any salary for his services. The executive committee, Messrs. Cobb, Gardner and Pickrell were reelected. I t was resolved that the thanks of the board be tendered to Colonel E. Snyder, the recording secretary, and Prof. E. Shattuck, the business agent, for the faithful and efficient performance of their duties in those capacities. The matter of sale of the remaining 160 acres of the Driggs farm wTas referred to Mr. Gardner with instructions to negotiate a sale. Mr. Pickrell offered the following preamble and resolution. Whereas, There is now a bill before t h e legislature for repealing t h e law restricting- the board of t r u s t e e s to a certain class of bonds, Resolved, That Mr. Gardner and the t r e a s u r e r be authorized to exchang-e the bonds of Champaign County, falling- due on t h e first of May next, for same a m o u n t of Champaign County bonds bearing eight per cent interest, t h a t have been issued to replace the 10 p e r cent bonds Carried. The treasurer and secretary then reported the estimates of receipts and current appropriations for the next six months ending September 1st, 1877, which were received and adopted.
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