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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

109 Illinois 1878. Industrial University, in accH with John W. Dunn, Treasurer, DB. $138 61 7,197 03 10 97 358 54 256 45 4 15 4,666 00 •1,487 60 2,521 08 454 88 138 66 12 70 3 99 123 97 1,611 00 2 350 20 157 49 70 00 50 50 58 50 $18,985 63 Aug: 31 TV a m ' t p a i d board e x p e n s e . . . — 44 31| 44 for salaries.... 44 31 buildings and g r o u n d s - * * 311 '• fuel and lights ,4-4 • 3 1 stationery and printing" 44 3l l f u r n i t u r e and fixtures 31 mechanical d e p a r 44 e n t tm • •» • -31 architectural 44 31 agricultural 44 3l| horticultural 44 31 chemical 4 31] military 44 31 library and a p p a r a t u s . . . 31| incidental expenses 44 31 p r e m i u m and accrued i n t e r e s t on I bonds purchased j physical laboratory diploma horse model preparatory department cabinets Paris exposition 44 chemical laboratory 16,308 09 chemical and physical laboratories, 1,125 54 mechanical and architectural shops.! 286 93 cabinets 310 75 books and publications 175 43 buildings and grounds 1,115 83 cabinet cases 50 55 Balance s t a t e appropriation $15,252 89 Current expenses ...'...' 8,697 54 580 78 19,373 12 23,950 43 $62,889 96 Illinois Industrial University, in actft with John W. Dunn, 1878 June July CR. Treasurer. $5,954 65 2,000 00 3,000 00 3,000 00 4,600 00 930 00 875 00 225 00 200 00 Aug. By balance I n t e r 44s t on Morgan county bonds e K a n k a k e e county bonds 44 P i k e county bonds 44 Champaign county bonds 44 Illinois 6 p e r cent, bonds 44 Chicago 7 per cent, bonds 44 44 Champaign county 44 44 K a n k a k e e school a m ' t r e c ' d from state for t a x e s on lands in Nebraska and Minnesota To a m ' t rec' d from state, buildings and grounds To a m ' t rec' d from 44 state, mechanical shops. Books and publications 44 Cases for cabinets 44 Chemical and phys. l a b ' y 44 Specimens for geological, mineralogical and n a t u r a l history. 44 Chemical laboratory building 44 H e a t i n g and furnishing do on 4a4c e ' t Mechanical d e p a r4t4m e n t Architectural 44 44 Agricultural 44 44 Horticultural 44 Chemical *4 44 Buildings and grounds 44 Physical l a b o r a t o r y 44 Cabinets 44 Fees and room r e n t s 44 Tuition in p r e p a r a t o r y d e p a r t m e n t . 111. Cent. R. R. freight $2,111 78 2,500 001 1,500 00 1,500 00 2,250 00 1,100 00 1,000 00 10,000 00 10,000 00 5,085 77 1,360 21 2,486 21 322 49 270 75 51 001 201 25 45 00 160 00 80 00 180 85 11,861 78 20,000 00 10,243 53 $62,889 96 Frbana, Sept. 10, 1878. JOHN W. BUNN, Treasurer.
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