Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
110 STATEMENT of Current Expenses and Receipt>s, six months, ending August 31, 1878. APPROPRIATIONS. EXPENDI- BALANCES. TURE. Board expenses Salaries Building's and grounds Fuel and lights , Stationery and printing Fixtures and furniture , Mechanical department Architectural *k k Agricultural ' Horticultural " Chemical department Military " Library and apparatus Incidental expense $200. Sundries—freights 50. engineer's transit 550. Paris exposition 25. lllini 15. diploma 350. physical laboratory preparatory department cabinets agricultural institute premium on bonds and accrued int. State appropriations 111. Cent, R. R. Freights Fees and room rents $ 200 15,225 200 1,000 665 139 334 839 2,845 178 150 25 245 00 00 00 00 00 00| 25 081 50 04| 00! 00 00 $ 101 09 101 04 5,334 1,402 2,809 799 270 76 84 97 45 75 $ 273 461 14,810 45 120 98 653 87 563 08! 8 31 5,408 33] 2,132 31! 4,503 30] 608 93 190 67 114 95] 7 11 167 451 35 72] 70,000 00 12 SO] 15 60: 350 Otf 2 70 201 25 691 501 727 50; 63 561 75 00 36 50, 3,461 00 22,798 ol 772 65 1,664 50 LIST OF WARRANRS DRAWN. No. 607 610 611 612 913 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 921 622 623 624 FOR WHAT. 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 D. B. Gillham John J, Byrd Alex McLean D. D. Sabin J. H. Pickrell Emory Cobb Lorado Taft ... Barker & Co Western Bank Note Co D. Gardner J. W. Bunn A. B. Baker Edward Orton Hamburg Am. Packet Co. C. & U. Gas Co '.' J. Saleron Jas Wright 111. Central R. R. Co J. M. Gregory S. W. Robinson T. J. Burrill...; S. W. Shattuck E. Snyder D. C. Taft J. B. Webb J. C. Pickard N. C. Ricker H. A. Weber J. D. Crawford G. E. Morrow E. L. Lawrence S. C. Allen F. W. Prentice P. Baumgras F. A. Parsons M. A. Scovell C. I. Hays I. O. Baker C. E. Pickard. Expense to meeting*. 44 to 3 meetings Instruction in clay modeling... Electrotype cuts Engraving- diploma plate Expense to university meeting-... ., Expense to meetings 1 year Cleaning- and grading lab' y Expense to inaugurate lat' y Freight on horse model , Bill for May '78 Apparatus, physician's laboratory. Castings Freight Salary, June 1878