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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
108 students. I t was impolitic to give another club to our enemies at the outset of our work, b u t the.character and reputation of the University are now so well established that the rectification of its title cannot create apprehensions or do harm. MILITARY DEPARTMENT. The communication of Prof. Dinwiddie, asking you to define his position as teacher of military tactics, will call to your attention t h e trouble which has come to the military department from the attempt to make a double head, Prof. Snyder retaining command of the battalion while Prof. Dinwiddie holds charge as professor. W h a t e v e r may be the merits of t h e present case, it has become evident that this arrangement ought to be abandoned. As by the new militia law the battalkm does not any longer exist as a legal military organization, the office of commandant expires by natural limitation. T h e simple recognition of this plain fact will at once relieve the situation, and the board will treat the department like all other departments of instruction, and supply such teaching force as they may find best. J. M. GREGORY*, Regent. On motion of Mr. Sabin, the president was authorized to appoint a committee of three on t h e question of salaries and state appropriations to report at t h e next regular meeting. T h e president appointed Messrs. McLean, Gardner and Pickrell as said committee. On motion of Mr. Pickrell, Dr. Gregory was requested to draw resolution in regard to t h e resignation of Prof. Robinson, and report same at the next meeting. John W . Bunn presented his report for the quarter ending August 31st, 1878. T h e president and treasurer also presented a statement of the investment of the endowment fund, showing the kind of bonds said funds was now in, which was approved and ordered placed on record. SPRINGFIELD., I I I . Sept. 10th, 1878. list of Bonds belonging to the Illinois Industrial University. Champaign county 8 p e r cent, bonds Morgan county 8 " ** 4 K a n k a k e e county 10 " * Pike county 10 "4 ** 4 lk Sangamon county 10 — tl At Sangamon county 8 44 Douglas county, school district 4 district No. 3, Township N o . 16, Menard county 7 p e r cent. * Chicago W a t e r 7 *' " t4 Illinois 6 " Champaign county 10 " 'k Balance n o t invested $1,178 87. JOHN W. BUNN, EMORY COBB, President. Treasurer.
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