Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Iflblr ^ ;i i U.w n ju \\i\i x l i i <• I } ng i the vast ty i them i) w ill experiern ms d .1 I mpl< I\ new cell ami mat th< lj Ifli Utl od and • 'ninglj hi h »sts. 1 V i :1 much t make the ol th< -II if idei ts fn iblc bv in.: ndly int< in them, HI >' la :n jdenl populat n \ in ed i -s > Ann m tuden —to be of servi to |uire new fr id i i ives, to learn a: ut other countries and culti ind impn e unde st rid >ng the p pl< of the world, A truly intern I < 1 edu< I i i ulable right here in I rbana, PHYSICALLY DISABLED STUDENTS The University of Illinois pioneei ! in making ilitie I ser available so that physically disabled young people could obtain colli e i uc I on he same bas as other students. Ramps into buildin and elevators make it i r tor them t nvt nd impus; all new buildin >, including housing, are d< :ncd with the able n mind; four elevator-equipped bus > make the campus rounds on regular hedules; physical therapy and special counseling are provided. T h e physically disabled students take a full share or impi life and : r nany services. T h e y have their own service fraternity, Delta Sigma Omicron T h e Illinois Gizz Kids Wheelchair Basketball T e a m is orld tamo; and many national and world records in wheelchair track, field and archery are held 1 I live ity of Illinois disabled students. T h e y participate in wheel-chair football, baseball, square dancing and other sports, and take part in radi -lev: student publications and government, fraternities, and sororiti md other ictivities. T h e center of all these activities, plus physical therapy for the disabled, is located in the Division of Rehabilitation-Education Services. Rehabil I I M l Center. Enrollment of physically disabled students at the University of Illin § i limited by the facilities available. 1960-61 enrollment : the disabled was 1 ncluding 101 in wheelchairs. In meeting and becoming friends with physically disabled students, othe indergraduates should recognize that their social desires, theii aspirations, their needs are just the same as yours. Generally, they can do about anything you can do, although they may have to do it a little differently. For example, they may wheel instead oi walk. Ji 5 • arc different from your mom-mate or your next door neighbor so are the physically disabled different from each other. They are individuals; Ao not ink of them or treat them as a roup. \II people need help from time to time. and the d third are no exception, but such help must be constructive and i tl i not .'i i '• : • e or oliticious. 38