Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
All cash t|lrv , LOANS I aiij In I \\ Jarship art 8' d * * ur(| th dent maintaini ri e «\ table. m ,; lf f i »bh each n <m* acad , | Dea t| I n • n liable to • who i tudcnti during the rsi bj the I h n nd by the Bi nu b „• ; | fi the offi of the Bu I> n of M ' rI ; A n mini of to abill! f funds) n be I ned to a Sti ent over the entire period hi rids the I Ffli You m rr a ur-J \t period; install] fits will be n f r months i ou leav< A or ter MI < l>e enrol! g nil-time e n r * The Bi ne 'fficc requires that you furnish i urity in the form of a quali- 1 co-sign< or collateral. A few exceptions arc made where thcr arra -"• en *b laid down for a specified loan fund. Nat nal Defense Education Act Loans may be made to qualified l ide c under the National Defense Education Act ( T i t l e If of Public Law . T o quali you must be a citizen of the Unit* tat< or a p m who i : in the United States on permanent r idem tatus. Borrowers m> I pn a loyal oath and affidavit of all iance to the United States. In mak: these loans, preference is given to thwho plan ro teach n elementary or secondary schools, and to applicants who arc or will major in science, mathematics, engineering, or a modern foreign langU2 •. In addition. you must show need for financial aid. Pr pective freshmen amon^ the applicants must 1 in the top quarter c their high school classes; transfer students must ha\ a 3.75 colh era : and students who have been enrolled in the University must ha\ 5.5 aver; Loans are limited to $1,000 a ) ir; the maximum which may be borrowe is £5,(X . These loans carry three per nt interest, which b iru >ne year after you c< e to be a full-time student; repayment must be completed within 10 Postponement of repayment for up to thr years, without interest, may be all' ed if you go into the armed fon . If you into reaching in the publi on elementary or high school h . a much ; per nt of the debt may be cancelled, at a rate of 10 per cent of principal and interest r each J r of teaching up to a five-year limit. If a borrower dies or b omes permanently disabled, the loan and inten may be cancelled. Application forms may bi obtained from the Office th Dean of Students, 152 Administration Building ( W where Iditional ini lation about the national loans also is available. At tune of this printing, eral basic hanges in provisions o{ the V tional D< Loan Art an being considered. Therefore, it is advisable that an intere I student, who at this time mav nor qualify, inquire whether the liversity. They vary from $5 to $100, and must be paid within f< > pr^ d. 24 I change aff< t his or her eligibilit Short-Term Emergency Loans a: available to students currently re >ten f in the or by the end of the semester in which the] «re made, whichev< >me rlier. Applications are made through the Office of Women. of the Dean ol Men or Dean