Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
^1 : know il ) i have t n anted .1 scholarship. I \\ 1 1 tf, In 1 e< lastfii on < I ' }. t .i! ran ntation t\ its I Neu • \\ * s n. includin sment < t fn » *r • . reports to you and youi parents. your i al academic re rds, .n\d pro id< tran when > t them, n i sf idents, it will keep tin tive i II i requ ( the a singes u prepai in and deliver) oi diplon s' I t si ci RIT1 01 FI< E T:\ t\ d with enforcement of reg ilations rnii it Memb le office -'A\: • available for interviewing, in ni\t rej lations md i ferral oi student to other approprile ul\ and id. Ti O also issues the Student Identification ( I D ) Cards am I of 1 the automobile and bicycle registration. It coordinates local and v law enforcement en< s in situations which involve the welfare students. FINANCIAL AIDS If you are in nancial need, talk over your troubles with a member of the the I an « M e n or Dean of W o m e n . T h e v will be able to advise vou about the various kinds of a tance that arc available. T h e j also will help yot work out a blc budget. You also may be able to meet your problems through one of the Mowing: SCHOLARSHIPS T h e Scholarsh Committee will accept applications from undergraduatewit: college averagi of 3.75 or higher. Because scholarships are necessarily lir. ed. they are awarded to the best qualified applicants. Some scholarships may h e certain restrictions or specifications of their own. In general, nearly all of them require that you have: superior record as a student. 1 lence of financial need. Since the University is stati upported, most scholarships are restricted to * Illii is r lents. The University docs, however, have some scholarships for perior students from out-of-state. Scholarship application forms may be obtained from the Director of I nderraduate Scholarship Programs. 105 Administration Building ( E ) . In C cs or those few scholarships available only to students enrolled in certain courses. blank y be obtained from the respective college scholarship committees. Howe the Oii tor of Undergraduate Scholarship Programs will be able to advise when th i true. St lents currently enrolled in the I niversity may file scholarship applicant any time provided thev have made the required academic average. Appli>>r fall sen: ter awards should be made as soon as possible after J a n u a n 1. and applications for spring semester awards as soon as possible alter October 1. Jince most cholarship IM re awarded annually, very few funds are available tor - >tu\ mesfei. 23 wards starting with the t