Caption: Booklet - Citizenship at UI (1929) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

During a L2 year period ending with the Morrow plot crops f 1927 more elaborate experimentation was carried on, with the result that these golden facts were imparted to the world: 1. Crop rotation alone increased the yield of corn 88 per cent. 2. Soil treatment alone—that is to say, treatment of the soil with manure, limestone and phosphate—increased the yield of corn 76 per cent. 3. And when crop rotation and soil treatment were combined, the yield of corn was increased by 177 per cent. These eloquent plots which r e w a r d the glance of the passerby with momentous economic history are so adequately placarde d t h a t t h e l a y m a n can readily grasp their significance. If he would l e a r n m o r e of their meaning he can obtain leaflets and b o o k l e t s free of charge in the n e a rby a g r i c u l t u r a l building. But an article which made even the barest record of all that the University of Illinois.a> a laboratory of science, has done for mankind would run to do/ens ot newspaper column s. This article has merely sketched the extent and \ arietv of that service. \ \ hat is it doing as a laboratory ^i citizen ship: T h e answ er is found in I 'resident 1\ i n l e \ 's MITH MKMOI'IAI, MUSIC MALI, pi when he isk< I what he considered the most impressive lit which the campus of tin* I niversit) ^\ Illinois unfolds to tie I itizCIl Of Illinois. IIII