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Caption: Booklet - Citizenship at UI (1929) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

T H E "BROAD W A L K " B E T W E E N CLASSES An Army 10,000 Strong "There it is," said he, and nodded toward "the Broad Walk.' An army of youth, 10,000 strong, was sweeping by him. The time was the hourly 10 minute interval between classes. The morning was bright, the air balmy. The new foliage of th< elms arching overhead da 1 the Broad Walk with dancim shadows. From lecture halls, classrooms, laboratories, museum tnd from a library that houses n< rly t h « quarters of a million volumes thousands of young men and women were hurrying and into those structures other thousands were going. The long avenue of elms hummed with their talk and sang with their laughter Excited birds caught up the COnve at ion and tlv merriment and carried both aloft in their own language. The seem if wide lawn and of freshly tilled experiment fields b e y o n d t h e l a w n s filled the air. Deeply carved over one of the stone portals i^i the library into which part of the army was moving were the> words: The Hope of Democracy Depends on ///< Di M N of Kno ledge and Wisdom. And over another portal these words: The Whole World Here Unlocks the I \t the Past to the Builders of the Futut The concrete Broad Walk is live city bloc! in length and sixt< n P t wide. Stand at the south end of it, in front th (12)
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