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Caption: Booklet - Citizenship at UI (1929) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

lie convenient to the visitor's wanderin ovei th< k > a; n of tl « ml c a m p U s proper and the 1,200 acres of i P« ••••• » which the campus blends. Anybody can point you to the Morrou plots, The) ire small but the) are world famous. i AI en wli willing to - ntui 'I' i pi of th( thev \ them i >u! i ii 1 tS/ Lhey n < rate ( i M who \ i >sor : : agricultu ' versity from 1 1 4 . ' Th( th< oldest M - pe 1 plots in t hworld and tl ! tv< 1 n 1< i i 111' : :I r l x I it ill IlL r thi Ai The an i < \|u 11i i the I t n | llel st \\ to com| * > tr t soil exl n di\< I s terns i fat I \ i .. man ki s \ \ rop rotation is mtial to profitable farmin) »ut in th< hk or mi period of American farming it was th< \! w which finally bore it in on the farm* thai n , •thout soil treatmeni incr. i his fit 1 ,, |Cas fifty per < ent. What the Morrow Plots Prove during half a century tins was ; ,,1 » •'"•lt"»- Inh.l the-continuous planting „ S | '' theplanting, ,rn and < its in . tatinn in the planting ol corneal ind clovei in , i„ ,,'\ j THE WOMAN'S BUILDING I i" I
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