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Caption: UI Foundation Series - Bulletin 5 (1937) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

YLC (o UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BULLETIN P U B L I S H E D T W I C E A W E E K BY THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SIXTH FOUNDATION NUMBE W '&± * 3 %3 -fe m 7ol./jBX,XIV, No. 43 TuestMC Jan. 26, 1937 Here'#j¥o^r Next Move Answering t h e Q u f f t i o n "Where Do I Come^n?" V / O U as an a l u m n u s , after r e a d i n g t h e details of t h e M i n i P l a n of C o o r d i n a t i o n as published in the last issue, m a y have asked yourself " W h e r e do I come i n ? " A n o r g a n i z a t i o n plan h a s been w o r k e d o u t w h i c h will s e r v e for almost a n y alumni unit. It can be modified to meet conditions in y o u r o w n comm u n i t y . H e r e is w h e r e you come i n : — T h e Alumni Association will name an executive chairman for each community who will select seven m i n i to act as chairmen of the various committees (Continued on page two) President Willard Approves of Illini Plan of Coordination Old University Hall, the Patriarch? of the Campus H T H E U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois/ w i t h its t h o u s a n d s of '** y o u n g m e n and w o m e n constantly c o m i n g a n d going, m u s t of necessity live l a r g e l y in t h e present. W h a t is h e r e is h e r e to use for their benefit now, n o t y e s t e r d a y or tomorrow. For yesterday's youth is t h r o u g h and t o m o r r o w ' s is c o m i n g up. A n d yet tradition, t h e spirit of the past, is a n i m p o r t a n t p a r t of a n institution's fabric, controls m a n y of its policies a n d p e r h a p s e a r m a r k s its graduates. G r a d u a t e s of the 7 0 s , '80s, or '90s can see in their m i n d ' s eye e a c h o n e of those g r a n d men w h o g u i d e d t h e m t h r o u g h the v a r i o u s subjects of t h e limited c u r r i c u l u m — e a c h in his wellw o r n office a n d class-room in old U n i v e r s i t y H a l l a n d w i t h his kindly personality shining t h r o u g h it all. Close relationships w e r e c o m m o n . They w e r e an able, loyal, a n d self-sacrificing g r o u p . S e v e r a l , like B u r r i l l , F o r b e s , Ricker, B a k e r , a n d T a l b o t , m a d e o u t s t a n d i n g c o n t r i b u t i o n s in the development of their chosen specialties. O t h e r s like B r o w n l e e , C r a w f o r d , P i c k a r d , S h a t t u c k , and Snyder, t h r o u g h their t e a c h i n g abilities or their lovable c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , also linger in o u r m e m o r i e s . U n i v e r s i t y H a l l d u r i n g this early period of the U n i v e r s i t y ' s h i s t o r y w a s in its heyday. B u t t h r o u g h t h e y e a r s the addition of building a f t e r building, the improvements in construction, the movement south of the geographical center of the campus, have robbed it of about all of its prestige. T o the large masses of our later graduates, it is just another building—-even though to those (Concluded on page four) Nation-Wide Broadcast for University's 68th Birthday ION-W D over A N A TCompanyI ofEthehookup feature the blue network National Broadcasting will be the of Founders Day which will celebrate the University's 68th birthday on March 2. (The University opened March 2, 1868.) There will be a half-hour broadcast from the campus from 9:30 to 10:00 p.m., Central Standard Time. T h e band and brief remarks by President Willard are two features already scheduled. T h e broadcast will originate in the Auditorium and will be witnessed by a capacity crowd. Many campus memories will come back to you on that occasion. Cooperation of alumni everywhere is necessary if this is to be a really nation-wide broadcast. While N B C has offered these facilities to the University, and while it will in turn make available the program to the 55 stations comprising the Blue network, there is no requirement on the part of the outlet stations to use such sustaining programs. Consequently, the alumni in every section of the country must make definite plans to get into contact with the stations in their own areas which are blue network outlets, and request' these stations to schedule the Illinois program. These contacts can be made in two ways: In the first place, write personal letters to the managers of the stations, pointing out the fine type of program that is to be broadcast and urging that the management include that program in its evening schedule of March 2. Hundreds of these alumni letters should flood every station. Don't wait for the other fellow to do it. Be sure you write yourself, and ask other alumni and friends to do so. T h e other thing is to organize a committee of prominent alumni to visit the managers of these stations and request in person that the program be sched(Concluded on page four) B Y PRESIDENT A, C. WILLARD "T"*0 the Alumni of the Uniyersity * of Illinois:— "The Illini Plan of Coordination announced by the Alumni Association and the University Foundation speaks for itself. Comprehensive, and including as it does such a variety of alumni and university objectives, it should appeal to alumni everywhere. ' T h e program as a whole has been developed broadly, with a great deal of care and attention to the proprieties of every activity contemplated. As an example of just one of such activities the statements from the officials of the Athletic Association indicate the spirit and attitude with which certain real questions of policy were approached. "No group of citizens is more interested in the progress and success of a college or university than its alumni. Time and again in the history of our colleges and universities this interest has often developed into a lifelong contact between the alumnus and his alma mater with results which were mutually stimulating and beneficial. Whether inspired by a sense of loyalty, pride, or obligation, such an interest deserves consideration and a constructive means of expression. "As an effort to consolidate the thinking and desires of all alumni who wish to acknowledge their interest and obligation in a tangible way, and as a statement of alumni policy, the plan is indeed a significant step with many possibilities. In brief, it is a renewed and forceful expression of the Illini spirit extending beyond the campus and including all Illini, both young and old, who are interested in the University of Illinois."
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