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Caption: Book - Illini Years This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

rhc Rnt church to .ppct. lnthcUnivcr.it, mwnltywMlh.il y p^bytcrian In 1919 th. MethoduU b. u, „, i„„i,l \v,.„ v i" " Hist »nd .till the la. .1 religi Mudml organisation i,7th """ "" co.t of half a million dollars. D, John R. M,„, ., M I , , I I K , ' T * J " ? latrr.winnei ol the Nobel Peace Prixe, w M a clow friend of ft d 7 1 and . M u m , visitor on campu.. By 1920 cl he. rcpre«nting'nTny f™ K win-led the campus. "• '•"" As oratorical and debating program, waned, drama came up The PI , fro>n 1901 »n 1915 Aero were over ten K parate drama clul rd,natcd ,hr I,Imo ,)l m? ,,„,, »'" """ » -""-' ^deration, , forerunner ol the Illini rhcatrc i luild. A student < in us and stunt shov, were given by campus social groupsi ldurii ]^ un. [nterscholastic weekends to entertain high school students who came to con pete with each other in track, tennis, art. and oratory. The first Interscholas istic weekend was in 1907. The circus part of it is no longer emphasized, but th ymnastics show, Gymkana, developed from it. Housii a problem in 1890, became increasingly so, especially for women. I he first women's residence hall was completed in 1918, but the aviation cadets ot into it before the girls, although temporarily, because of the war emergency. Sororities started to build their own houses, and the first to build was Pi Beta ( Phi in 1 During the James regime the number of private rooming houses tripled in t hampaign-Urbana. Short-lived bans on dancing went into effect in 1916 alter an attempt to stop all i and unnatural movements such as wiggling the shoulders, swaying the hips, pumping the arms, flopping the elbows, skipping, hoppinj illopin or low fantastic dips" had failed. Another ban of about the same 1 time was tin "four-mile law" which prohibited the sale of liquor within four miles of the campus. The hand, in which President James and the community took particular pleasure, had several part-time student leaders in the beginning. One was Mix it Austin Harding, '06, who in his senior year became full-time director and continued in this position for forty-two years. Anions; Harding's innovation! was the spring twilight concert first held on the quadrangle in 1911. S p u r n - t w i l i g h t a n d s u m m e r e v e n i n g c o n c e r t s a r e now given once a week on the quadrangle the last two months of the second semester and all ol the summei sion. As the band improved with better talent and instruments, the memberehip allowed ... in. rea*. It wa. again restricted, .bis dme to 360 member., and divided into fou! band. three military and one concert, rhe fir.1 band ,,„,„.„„„„ , ,„„„,,„ ,„ m ,. s were begun in 1920, and dial year the band i„,,...,„. the, inarched. Not onh could the band, pla, expertly, but ,,„,,„ .,, IVC them a .tlrring .howmamhip quality that earned for the I ., , ,|, dutlnction of havi. "th< greatctcoll. band in the world. lohn Philip Sou the March King of hi. neration, wa. a personal fnend fH H.,„i s „had« .d Harding' ri n»tly that when o
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