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Caption: Book - Illini Years This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Mi. /•. n,l,nt . populai national weekly >>i i\u tinx .,, , ( nnccticul to ( uliforniu our toll* .«" Kitting ready to «1«, ii , war must conn I h« University oi Illinois is lust . in militai 'ij/<.M.lf(,, When Herbert Hoover took over the nation'i food « onomy M> i ;i„ | j . " s \ J \ isoi\ (lommittcc. I h, v i >,000 Armory, v%i111 an unobstn* ted interior of about 20(j b JQ : built in M I. was used as .1 barra< ka and mesa hall during th< M • \^ I beds were w I up foi memb ra «»i the Student Army I raining ( , j , Vt| w t.ik ulai University coui 5 along with military training In to the Armory, ten fratcrnit) and rooming hous< were ..I »nvei i j barra< ks, ( ad( in the hastily set up & hool of Military V ronauti ived pn \ raining .it the University during the war, usin as barracks tl. plctcd and IHM University rcsideno lull for \ n u n and th • [llini Hall built A YMCA in 1908. ()n<- of these ( Ie1 Dwight H. (.1 s1 to I >me ( rnor of Illinois. Instruction in aei tuti 1 in I ilthou ii the I niversity had no airport and not A singh tcth plan « Field \ blished by the Unit I Stati Army at Rani . ly k > its proximity t > the University. In 1919 th< < rmation of R ( > l c : un [llin s b n .t new era in the military hi in< .t 1 N 10,000 [llini were in the i\ I ult\ n ml i\ all t . : department on the Urbana and Chi npu o 1. 1 ftythr< '1 the medi< aJ faculty wen nlisted and fiv them > nt 1 Amon the alumni enlisted were Dr. ( IV Gil wl :. d s U. . Med il c *>rj Major General John Rucki 1. . • • h ( Southern Department the American Command d M '!.i M \\ 1, who piom I'd in inp hospital library work. Of the 9 2 Illini in the scrvio 183 men and woman, a nun tl lives in World War I. 'I he inter- tionaJ flavor in the academic circle perv; I sti n 1 brought new maturity to ;.d activil I he ( ( with cl r member? rom India, Japan, Spain, the Phih M \ tl \J ntii I'M 5 the 1 lub had fifty c h i n ' membt Rathindra Nath Ta '09, ion of the Indian \ t itk Ral h th 1 brought hi famous fatht 1 to livi in th< 1" 1912 a [.wish fraternity, /• ta Beta l.m. was 01 1 I'M:? '«"" lub h- .... the Kappa Alpha Nu m ti K \ .'Mint. In I ' M ! the IOFOI fo, \,i:,o Ul non ,m, n Vlph x K v . I K* a red on < ampul. 11- fini campu • imitation ..... .„,„ d with the t ,, VMCAfollov d i n a few in by the YW< \ i ( » n l W I j u u l '' s,( N l ill ' " ' '" unl ' "" ,! /•'"' "»<i ...I,,. i.„„„„, h .. o <!„• I " ' " ' " '"" Hi '""" '"" i w V wen .1, campus h«»»».i>, Put out the fint .tutlrm ami . ,,K .,11.1. .1, Y\\. V *}
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