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Caption: Book - Illini Years This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

d Ins i.uiuK followed out hii n qu< i( thai hii mu < a] library 42 , l •coirs Kit stand, and rostrum b Riven to th( University Band, < Robert Carl Zuppkc, a colorful and witty personality who becanu W ,\ ,uh i football in 1913, achieved national fame for the new field technics 1 1 playa he developed. "Flying trapeze," "whoa-back," "razzlc dazzle/ "blue a.ulr." corkscrew," and "flea flicker" became the talk oi the iports world aa Zuppke produ d champion football teams al Illinois in 1914, 1915, I9ig 1919, 1923, 1927, and 1928. Almost all of the i unriii Illinois songs w re written betv n 1895 and 1910. < rhc first tunc to catch on was a revised and adapted version of a Thacher Howland Guild, prof( or of English at Illinois, who in his student da\ at Brown University had written it. It became the official Illinois song M •We're Loyal to You, Illinois." < >thera new then and famous now were Osl . Wow-Wow" and "Hail to the Orange." Homecoming, now traditional among most American universities, h | its beginning at Illinois in 1910. It was dreamed up by tv. ilumni, Walter Kin Ekblaw, M(). and Clarence I'< Williams, '10, and promoted by them with the id of the Illinois U n i o n . 1-. Illinois alumni wen- making names for themseh in many fields. Dr. Carlos Montezuma, '84, had h >mc one of the great modern leaden of the In. n r. Solon Philbrick, '84, a well-known judge; Samuel W Stratton, '84, president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technol ; Henry I n, Jr.. ' n hit t of New York City and designer of the Lincoln M in W hington, I). C ; Walter Burlcy Griffin, '99, an hit t and d < r of Cai new capital of Australia: ( rl Lundgren, '"2. for seven j i i pitcher Chi o Cubs; Jake Stahl, '03, man r and first 1 i an of the w I mpion Boston Americans in 1912; Walter C. C 0(> pn nt of tb University of Minnesota; Clement Clarence Williams. '"7. pn nt ^i Lch University; Robert Ernest Doherty, '09, "sui i < r to Steinmctz" and pr f( rnegie Institute of Technolo ; Charl< 11 Dennis,'81, editor f< Daily News. The student newspaper got a new name in 19 7 Dail Mini. Edgai G "Shorty" Brands, '11, sports pa editor in 1910-11 began i long » arm national sports writer. Herbert II. Herbert, '12, the paper's editor-in-ch in 1911-12 headed the University of Oklahoma School <>i Journalism within fa< after gi luation. Allan Nevins, '12 famous literary criti aiv hi man, v. i hief news editor of the Daily lllini in 1911-12. The But summ iition of the pap« r a p p e a r e d in 1913. Four yea] later it was tlie in! T paper in the country to u c A > iated Pn < < ! bccomc famou M , 1 wire icrvice, Van Doren, '07, Mark Van Doren. '1 1. a n d S a m s o n K a p h a e K o u . " " ' "" ' notable . ontributiow to the monthl) litrran 11 f ll H' ' " " University in their itudenf da) //,. 5 ribl I Illinois, and The Illinois Maga \ne. !" ' ' " ' "" " " ' " " "-"""•>'• **d Portn hii, NoUt, , •„,-, , ... t* h V ,".t l 1 ."""" '"'"'.V " ' "•"'' ' ') ' " " ' the M i u i n t i u n 4 •lumr | r • " ' " '"••""• »«>d included „,,.,„ Hi4ril,lmiu! nd |«| n 6*
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