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Caption: Book - Illini Years This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Ro, M!\ It Road) and several 1 d dollar, w a . i pended by th, , ,„ , U Ii < u u i P l u c i i l I. equipment. .. i. Collcgcol Ph) c a n . Surgeon of Clucag 0 ^ N a, ,v , oil, : on foi several years. In y, a five-story briek building at 81 Harruon Street, C h . o prol lh to tTe University of Illinois. Dr. William E Qum, wa. president of the I ,llf of the old college at the time of its union with th. University and b, IIM, fc ,, i , T h r vc ir the I nivi i it) annoum • <l n ;,.,. • new college's first dean. I he year ui i nip of the oldI college, the enrollment rose from K>9 to i l 4 , a n d th. first won, candidates for the M.D. degree were admitted. The early medical students were a hardk.. lot wh d little or n amphith s life. Their most light-hearted a< tivitics included shovu campus chairs into the pit and calling on some fal student to do a dance on th. demonstration dissecting table. Students sometimes waited in class an hour or more for their professors, who also carried on private pra. lice. Plexus, published monthly, was the sounding board for medi. ..1 student! and faculty. The paper editorialized on chewing tobacco, cheating in examinat and one- at great length on die weight) question, " C a n we combi il. Universitv of Illinois colors, orange and blue, with our own, bl< nd iodofon The School of Dentistry held its opening exen iscs on < i r I, 1901. in a building at the comer of Harrison and Monroe Streets. [Tie quarters i W e q u i p m e n t were unusually c o m p l e t e . T h e the U n i t e d States. Admission was limited laboratories, to S t u d e n t ! h of who 12 -Stud nt >uld sh< capacity and occupying four floors, were among the lar st in ..:.-. . <1< >1 certificate of e n t r a n c e to the second year ol h i g h M h< H >1. At Urbana two professional schools also t a m e into 1" ii in II : the Stat Library School, the first of its kind in the Middle \\ - si : and th< S hool Lav, which four years later became the College of Law. A Department of Music was organized at Urbana under Walter Howe Jones, composer of the State son- "By I li> Rivers (, ntly Flowinj Twi courses in music became acceptable as electives in the ( : Liteiatui and Arts. In 1901 the School of Music was m f u l] 5 w i n g , m i f o n c a U< the director. Instruction was now given in organ, piano, violin, voice, and barn . T*Z** C1 {U : d c g r e e o£ B a c h c l o r o f Mwic The musical or^uii/aiiom . >- »Mhe Muitary Band, the On hestra, and the Choral Society, t tt TheTenTnTent" e n t u n to ? ; * ^ , P ^ * * a l of coll ^ . and boil 1 n< c m o i i m e n t w Vr> i ' = on the f L ^ n ^ ' ^ t h W I ^ 44
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