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Caption: Book - Illini Years This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

THE ERA OF ANDREW SLOAN DRAPER 1894 -1904 The trustees committee on the regency had approached such men as Woodrow Wilson and Cornell's Andn-w B. White. The man they finally ch< was Andrew Sloan Draper, superintendent of schools at Cleveland, Ohio, and formerly state superintendent of public instruction in New York. He was the first to hear the title. '"President." Dui ing his ten years in the president's chair he sa\* the University ol Illinois outstrip Wis nsin and Michigan in enrollment and come near to matching the number of their buildings and the size of their appropriations. I ndcr Diaper, a superb organi; r. the professional schools at Chit o and Urban a were founded. In 1896 the Chicago College oi Pharmacy h tame the School < t Phanna< \ of the Univcrsies i » Illinois. The lust classes were held in nn r and s badh equipped rented rooms at 465 South Street, Chicago. During the first right years o ts lil, .is a pait ol the University, the School d no support from the I ni\< isiu ^x the Stat But in 1904. the School was moved to lai i and bcttci dunrten at Michigan Avenu< and Twelfth Sti t 1 A3
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