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THE ERA OF THOMAS JONATHAN BURR ILL 1891-1894 While the Board of Trustees scanned the East ami the West for an educational leader big enough i" put the University of Illinois on an equal footinj with the other state colleges in the country, a nius was at work under their very noses. Thomas I. Burrill, acting regent in 1891-94, laid a inundation leadership that was to leave its mail on the University well into the next generation, His achievi nients. taken for granted at tl. time, wci ph< nomcnal. The first thing that Burrill did was to relic\ the (.ui ol Student tension ami rebellion. H lifted the ban dust fraternities and dcela 1 that military drill was no longer compulsory t.i juni and < ni< 'i s. \\ h<n th« students it tm n d in tin all <•: < and found these old battles w<<n. their i I tBurrill was unbounded. Although rrl MIS rx« wen iill mandatory t<>i all students, the i nt w no rnon th< butt «•! student pranks in eh.i|>rl oi <!srwh<o Sind( nts conlined th vul nt p i n t s to r o l o i n e h m «•( w a i nt- • t. hast h a l l , f o o t b a l l , .^n\ In 33