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Caption: Book - Illini Years This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

e„cml« of farmcn *ndo. n ^ . [tiinoifl has wvcd millions of bushel* of ^ „ ,,„. ,„. m > . „,„ IM> , , A_ wheat, oats, co.". a p p ^ , ^ ^ ^ ^ n w M , I1(.w ,,„„, fol „,,, „ „ University research proj ^ ^ ^ „„,,,. fonnerly ,.„..„„, saving thirty 1" ^ e x D C r imenta with soybeans, the Univ. i ihy intra After years oJ grc ^ . ^ f a r m c r 8 pi0 nccrcd in developing the K>> duccd the new crop m - • ^ a d d c d millions of dollars to fami incon* bean industry. 'J his crop ^ ^ manufacture has in. n ased iteadily with i n the nation. Its use •* ^ ^ n i t s v a , u c u r l l l u p fUrth< r as an oil-prodm ei the years. During or j I1|mojs stj|| rf beana Aithourfi other states no* hav< larg Although o holds the-country's r e c o r _ ^ ^ ^ .__ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ The University s Ooueg< 6 • , • , ,, . c ^ v „i wealth now produced annually ... Illinois by increased yields in ,94/ for instance-, torn yields in the State have increased from 16 bushels per acre to 53, and oat yields from 30 to 41. . , , . , . . . . During World War I the country's entire supply ol dimethyl glyoxime, used in the testing of nickel steel in armorplate and projectile heads was produced in the University's famous chemistry laboratories. During World War II one of many experiments of chemistry department scientists, under the guidinj jeniu of Professor Roger Adams, helped to develop synthetic rubber for the government. Professor William G. Rose, discoverer of one of the amino acids, acKam ed man's knowledge of nutrition to new heights. For almost twenty years after his discovery food i an laboratories throughout the country. Professor Joseph T. Tykociner developed the first sound on film — p r e viously the phonograph had been used. An interesting coincidence has tied every historic moment in the development of the sound tr k to the University of Illinois: . , „ 1922 —Tykociner s first sound film was seen and heard in an Urban.. laboratory. 1927 —Samson Raphaelson, '17, wrote The fazi v the first full length movie to use sound. 1946 — Larry Parks, '36, played the male lead in The Jolson Story, adapted by Raphaelson, in which voice recordings Jolson's were dubbed in with spectacular success to synchronize with the ting. A m m * M * * * A B A The world's first alkali-vapor radio tul was perfci ted on the campus b) Professors Charles T. Knipp and Hugh A. known. 1 he methods of pn pan: iron and iron alloys with magnetic properties wen pei ctcd by an Illinois alumnus and professor, Trygve I). Yemen, '07, From tin- same distinguished laboratories came the photoelectri cell, developed b> Professor fakob Ku In 1918 the University was a beehive of discovery and invention IV Board wtc ^ f f d ^ d a rule providing fo, the patcntii .. , U M , drvrlop mems and the assignment of controlli, rights to the I nivenut, us trust »t< «ure the maximum publi< benefit 116
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