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Caption: Book - Illini Years This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

ool of I'd iin •'" ,-d Wilbur scnn«u -. , „ „ , acanship of its kind in the 19:11 " , v new division takes in eleven anas of service, among them th S h 1 ol S1 1s% i t y fnm, " - ' " " J ° ^ l b m and Communications, Station U ^ c [ ns titutc oi Communications. ^ 1 9 4 6 Illinois produced five athletic championships — in football, indoor [ outdoor track, wrestling, and tennis. Coach Leo Johnson's track squad ir U ' Unbeaten in any meet, and walked away with the NCAA championship. U % i n u i v 1. 19*7, U.C.L.A., kingol Pacific Coast football, met the Illini in n ° L ( oi the Pacifii Coast-Wcstcrn Conference Rose Bowl games. Coach Ray fL's team made football history with a resounding 45-14 upset. In the fall El< l948 the fint University football game appeared on television. A stipulaf thr- contract with Station WGN-TV in Chicago was that there be "no advertisement oi beer, Uquor, wine, or laxatives. The first F ival of Contemporary Arts was held at the University in 1948. c- Y then the annual spring event emphasizing art and fine printing and music motion pictures, the dance, literature, and drama have pn • thi)U :K] ,i' Spc< tators from all over the country. Among the many distinguish visit S on the festival pro-rams in 1950 were Igor Stravinsky, ^ Connelly, Archibald Mac Leish, Carl Sandburg, Aaron XL Copland, and R. Hunter Middleton. .000 the Jute and tl nainii, undergraduates were absorbed into the Urbana andNa, | d scs In the fall of the 1949-50 academic year, 19,500 students n-Urbana and about 5,500 at Chicago. , _ , , „ ntributions, l.«..l» tangible and mtang.ble, wbch U th,. n; „ «t> rm. had mad. to the Stote, the nation, and the wettare , „ But by mid<entury, it was not only possibfe ibuti .« HI" in doUan and cent, but to announce Art had paid with interest ever, 1— i ' h ' develop f i land '* ' '" , • i ,i md die soil coni t t rfch P "' " " ,T;J s l hav, helped to , l • " » * * "" " '"" „ Kor decades surve, n rrv. it foi futun rations. I ull.nal llll i lino th< H uul ssUH 'I othcl US
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