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Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 4 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I UNIVERSITY Vol. XV OF ILLINOIS ISSUED WEEKLY BULLETIN N 25 FEBRUARY 18, 1918 [Entered as iecontl class matter December n , 1912, at the post office at T r b a n a , Illinois, umlci the Act of AuK»st 24, 1912.J THE WAR GARDEN By J. W. L L O Y D Professor of Olericulture r t PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS W A R COMMITTEE URBANA • 1 1 national diet in vegetables is very low, and it will not only do no harm to increase it, but in fact will tribute to public health."—Herbert Hoover. P^OI>o^tio,l o f o n r I I
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