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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 447]

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[February 15

vide for extension of electrical service and the general construction for relocating an X-ray machine. The only X-ray machine in the Department of Physiology was formerly in room 412a Natural History Building which has been eliminated by construction of new fireproof stairs. Funds are available. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller be authorized to execute the contract change.

On motion of Mr. Hickman, this contract was authorized as recommended.

REMODELING IN NOYES LABORATORY OF CHEMISTRY (22) Two years ago the Board of Trustees approved a program of safety improvements to eliminate fire hazards in the Noyes Laboratory of Chemistry and appropriated funds for the necessary remodeling and installations, the major job being construction of new fireproof stairways at the northwest and southwest corners of the building. The next stage of this phase of the program is removal of the center wooden stairs and closing the stairwell openings on each floor. This work was not included in the contract for the construction of the new stairways. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend that the removal of the center stairs and the covering of the floor openings be done by E. N. DeAtley, Champaign, the general contractor for the fireproof stairways, under a standing contract awarded him on September 29, 1950, for remodeling work on a cost-plus basis. The estimated cost of this work is $5,098. I concur. O n m o t i o n of M r . L i v i n g s t o n , t h i s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s a d o p t e d . CONTRACT FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT IN ABBOTT POWER PLANT (23) On October 26, 1950 (Minutes, page 436), the Board of Trustees approved a contract for a new Diesel engine-driven generator in the Abbott Power Plant. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller now recommend the award of a contract for $43,752 to the A. S. Schulman Electric Company, Chicago, the lowest bidder, for the electrical equipment needed as a part of this installation to provide an independent power source. Funds are available in the state appropriation for "Additions to Power and Heating Plant and remodeling of existing buildings." I concur and request that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute this contract, subject to the release of funds by the Governor. O n m o t i o n of M r . L i v i n g s t o n , a u t h o r i t y w a s g i v e n a s r e c o m m e n d e d . CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DAIRY BARNS (24) The state appropriations to t h e University for buildings and other capital improvements for 1949-1951 include £290,000 for "Construction of agricultural structures and remodeling present agricultural buildings." The Board of Trustees has allocated £75,000 of these funds for buildings for the Department of Dairy Science and the funds have been released by t h e Governor. The University Architect, the Comptroller, the Dean of the College of Agriculture, and the Head of t h e Department of Dairy Science recommend that contracts for t h e construction of bull and calf barns in the South Lincoln Avenue area and of a small calf barn in the "Round Barns" area be awarded as follows: Lincoln Avenue Round Barns Area Calf and Bull Barn Calf Barn O. L. Shoemaker, Champaign—general work £49 912 22 £7 897 57 J. L. Robinson, Champaign—plumbing work 7 698 00 576 00 J. M. Bean Electric and Hardware, Urbana— electrical work 4 165 00 580 00 £61 775 22 £9 053 57 These are the lowest bidders. The total costs of these two projects, including insurance, architectural and engineering costs, and contingencies are £71,000 and £10,500 respectively.